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Title: “The One Where Louis Goes Home.”

Scene 9: Interior / Dance Club – Gay Bar / Night

“R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys starts to play while we see an edit of both Harry and Louis’ night at the Dance Club and at the Gay Bar, respectively. Harry is getting drunker and drunker while he dances along with Cara and Taylor. Liam and him flirt all night long.

Louis is already very drunk because of the half Jager shot he had before. He dances alone while everyone in the bar stares at him but he doesn’t care, he is having the time of his life. Ben checks on him all the time.

It’s getting late at night when Liam’s shift at the bar is over. He makes a sign to Harry and they meet at a small office at the back of the club. They start making out roughly, Liam pays careful attention to the surroundings, seems like he doesn’t want to get caught.

Ben’s shift is over as well so he takes the chance to go to Louis and they start dancing together. He walks Louis to a dark place the bar has for people to do “private stuff”. Louis seems uncomfortable at first but, when he lets go, they start to make out.

Scene 10: Interior / Yale Dorms / Day

Louis’ alarm clock goes on non-stop but he seems to be struggling to wake up. Niall is sitting at his desk, very focused on his studies.

NIALL: “Can you turn that shit off already?”

LOUIS: (ironic) “Good morning, mate.”

NIALL: “Yeah, good morning for you. I’m nowhere close to having one of those.”

LOUIS: “Stop whining.”

NIALL: “Are you seriously not going to tell me where you went last night?”

LOUIS: “Ugh. Are you seriously still trying?”

NIALL: “Yes! I don’t know why wouldn’t you tell me, just give me his name already.”

LOUIS: “His name?”

NIALL: “You are obviously seeing someone. You’ve been going out every night since last weekend. I’m not stupid.”

LOUIS: “That’s not true. I was out studying.”

NIALL: “Books don’t smell like alcohol.”

LOUIS: “Some of them do.”

NIALL: “Just tell me already! Do I know him?”

LOUIS: “You are funny, Irish elf.”

NIALL: “I know I am. Is this guy funny as well?”

LOUIS: “You’ve known me for what? Twelve years?”

NIALL: “Try sixteen.”

LOUIS: “Sixteen already? Wow! And haven’t you learned that being such an insisting pain in the butt is not going to help you get anything out of me?”

NIALL: “I’m just worried, okay?”

LOUIS: “There’s nothing to be worried about.”

NIALL: “You’ve been going out every night; you are obviously drinking lots of alcohol lately. You are acting all mysterious and I’m the one who wakes up first now. That’s not you. I’m worried.”

LOUIS: “Well, you shouldn’t be.”

NIALL: “How did you manage to do well at your finals?”

LOUIS: “I’m smart. What can I say?”

NIALL: “I’m smart too and I’m dying here!” (points at his book)

LOUIS: “You always say that and then you get 125 percent at every subject, so just shut up and let me eat breakfast.” (sighs) “In silence.”

NIALL: (fakes crying) “I want my finals to be over too.”

LOUIS: “They will be in just four days.”

NIALL: “And then I’ll get the letter from Cambridge.”

LOUIS: “I’ll miss you this summer, elf.”

NIALL: “I’ll miss you too and I’m afraid this right here is the end of our friendship.”

LOUIS: “What you talking about?”

NIALL: “You are a hippie now. You drink every night, you go out, you haven’t played Halo in a week. California will just make it worse. And you wont even be studying for what? Two months? Aren’t you afraid your brain will rot?”

LOUIS: (ironic) “I’m very afraid. I’m terrified. I’m trembling right now. Don’t you see it? Two months of no responsibilities. Two months of just laying at the beach with no worries at all. I’m freaking out!”

NIALL: (serious and worried) “Are you on drugs?” (Louis just laughs) “No, seriously. Maybe you are on drugs. Would you tell me if you were on drugs?”

LOUIS: “The only drug I’m using right now is an aspirin. My headache is killing me.”

NIALL: “I picked up your laundry earlier this morning. It’s on your suitcase.”

LOUIS: “Aw.” (hugs Niall from behind) “You are the best roommate ever!”

NIALL: “Let me go, you fag!” (Louis opens the suitcase and moves his clothes into a backpack) “What are you doing? You are messing everything up! I spent twenty minutes arranging your stuff. Stop!”

LOUIS: “I don’t want a suitcase. I’ll just take the backpack.”

NIALL: “Oh, right! I forgot you were a hippie now.”

LOUIS: “Exactly! Okay, I should be heading to the airport in a few.”

NIALL: “Take a shower before you leave, Bob.”

LOUIS: “I’m flattered. Bob was a genius.”

NIALL: (offended) “What? Bob was a pothead. Einstein was a genius.”

LOUIS: (laughing) “I’ll miss you. Are you seriously not coming to Cali? Not even for a week before leaving for Cambridge?”

NIALL: “Can you not remind me of it right now? I need to read that letter or I’ll die!”

LOUIS: “Don’t sweat it, you got in.” (goes into the bathroom and pops his head out a few seconds later) “Hey, Ni! Thank you for worrying though. But I promise, there’s nothing to be worried about.”

NIALL: “I hope so.”


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