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Title: "The One With Unexpected Turns."

Scene 95: Interior / Starbucks Store / Day

Harry is taking a nap on the floor, using his green apron to cover his face while a random client is trying to wake him up.

RANDOM CLIENT: "Hello? Excuse me?"

HARRY: (husky voice, still asleep) "What do you want?"

RANDOM CLIENT: "Um... I ordered a hot drink and I got a cold one instead. I was wondering if I could get another one, please."

Harry seems to be falling asleep again.


HARRY: (uncovers his face and opens just one eye to look at the client) "What do you want?"

RANDOM CLIENT: (sighs) "My drink is cold and I want a hot one."

HARRY: "Well, why don't you just microwave it or something?"


HARRY: "There's a microwave over there." (to himself) "Gosh." (faking a smile to the client) "Over there, by the counter. Don't you see it?"


HARRY: (covering his face again) "Just go for it, don't be shy." (rolls over) "And, please, be silent. Imma take a little nap."

When the client is about to enter the bar to use the microwave, CAMERON (20), Harry's very good looking coworker, runs to stop the client.

CAMERON: (smiling) "Excuse me, how may I help you?"

RANDOM CLIENT: "Oh, finally! I ordered a hot drink but got a cold one instead and I would like to get another one."

CAMERON: "Oh, so sorry about that. I'll get it done in a minute."

Cameron sees Harry sleeping on the floor and just shakes his head in disapproval while he gets the new drink ready.

CAMERON: (whispering to Harry) "Hey!" (Harry snores) "Harry!" (Harry doesn't answer so Cameron throws a rag at him) "Wake up!"

HARRY: "What the hell?"

CAMERON: "Dude, you were sleeping."

HARRY: (mocking Cameron) "Dude, I was trying to." (Harry rolls over) "And now I will give it another try if you don't mind."

CAMERON: "I do mind actually and Mrs. Amy will be here any minute. Get up!"

HARRY: "Ugh, you are definitely taking this job way too seriously." (dragging the vowels) "Like way too seriously."

Harry reluctantly stands up when Cameron finishes the drink.

CAMERON: "Ta-dá! The first latte I make. This is exciting."

HARRY: "Just a second." (Harry grabs the drink from Cameron's hand and takes a sip) "Um... let me see, let me see."

CAMERON: "Hey!" (lowers his voice) "That's for the client."

HARRY: "I'm not going to let you give this drink away without me tasting it first." (takes another sip) "I guess it's alright."

CAMERON: "I can't believe you."

Harry turns to the client with a big smile on his face.

HARRY: (charming) "Here you go. I'm sorry for my partner. He is new at this."

It Started with a Selfie [larry stylinson a.u.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora