Chapter 10: Three Words

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It's been several weeks, since Johnny's run-in with Daniel. He's taken Ava's advice and tried to steer clear of the idiot. It's not that difficult since they have zero classes together. Unfortunately, Bobby and Tommy do though. Sucks for them. 

Today he and the guys are going to watch Ava's golf match, after school. It's at the country club golf course. They've even made signs, which they never do (for anything). It's too cheesy, making signs. But sometimes it's OK to lower your cool factor. This is one of those times.

At lunch they were all sitting together, the Cobras and Ava's friends discussing it. "Well, it looks like I'm the only of us who can go," Charley mentioned. Joy has swimming. Kara has gymnastics practice and Rachel... she's doing something. No one is quite sure what she's up to.

Dutch shook his head. "It's alright that none of you other chicks can go. I'll do your job of cheering for you. I understand it's hard to find a friend who's reliable, encouraging, caring, smart, sexy, and loving these days. My advice to you is don't lose me." 

Groans could be heard from around the two picnic tables. Giving them all a look, he continued his boasting. "Sometimes I wonder how you all put up with me. But then I remember, I put up with you. So we're even." He began eating his fries. 

Knowing that it would go a long way to foster goodwill, Johnny spoke up. "Since you're the only chick going, you want to ride with us," he offered. He has room in his car, since Ava's riding with the team. Plus Tommy and Dutch are taking their bikes. 

She thought about it. Ava wouldn't care, but Rachel might since Bobby would be riding with him. "I don't know. I don't want to inconvenience anyone." Glancing from the corner of her eye at Rachel, she saw her look relieved.

Just then Ava joined the group. The golf team had a brief meeting before lunch. She placed her small paper bag on the table and sat beside Johnny. He turned his head and flashed a bright smile. "Hi, Buttercup." 

That smile kills her every time. It sends butterflies to her stomach. "Hi." She beamed a smile back at him. Dutch made gagging noises at the pair. Ava released Johnny's gaze and looked at Dutch. "If you were actually dating someone, then you'd be all loved up too." 

Pointing a fry at her, he responded. "First of all, I don't need to date anyone. I'm in my prime. Why date one babe, when I can have many babes? Second of all, I would not be loved up. Love is for losers who look at each with googly eyes." He began using a female voice. "Oh, snookums I just love your hair and your cute butt." Everyone laughed. Continuing to point his  French fry, he told her "I don't need some girl telling me my hair and butt look good. I already know they are. Now for my last point. You said I'd be loved up too. Are you saying you're loved up? Does Johnny boy love you? Do you love him? You said it, not us." He bit his fry.

She could feel her face heat up. Not needing a mirror to know it's red as an apple, she turned her head away from Johnny. As luck would have it, she spotted Dawn across the way. Getting up, she mentioned, "I need to go ask Dawn something about this afternoon." As fast as she could she skedaddled away.

To say Johnny was thrilled would be saying The Grinch actually loved Christmas. Giving Dutch a nasty look, he demanded "Why'd you say that for Man? You and your big mouth." He watched Ava talking to her friend. It didn't go unnoticed that she wanted to get away as fast as she could, at the mention of loving him. Is he so hard to love?

Coming up to Dawn, Ava told her "Just act like we're chatting about something important for this afternoon." 

Dawn is curious. "Why? What's wrong? Is it Johnny? I thought the two of you are doing good."

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