Chapter 32: Lawrence's Don't Quit

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Monday morning, fully dressed and ready for the day, Ava waited for Johnny to pick her up. Staring out the window, looking for him, she played with the hem of her red zebra and polka dot sweater. She almost told her mother she couldn't go to school today, that she was still feeling unwell. Her mom knows something happened, but Ava never told her what specifically. Last Tuesday, when she arrived home in tears, she merely said, "Horrible gossip was spread about me." Then ran up to her room and threw herself onto the bed.

To be honest she feels incredibly nauseous. The thought of seeing both her ex-friend and cousin make her want to vomit all over her black suede boots. The whole thing is depressing. You think people are your friends, so you share parts of your life with them, and then they turn around and use it against you for gossip. It's really despicable. In the future, she's going to be more careful with who she vents to. A listening ear could also be a running mouth. 

But the thing is, it's just SO frustrating to know how terrible a fake person truly is. Yet everyone loves them because they put on such a good show. What is that? Nothing but a liar. And if they can lie so well about being a friend, then what else are they hiding? But they also like to play the victim in the crimes they committed. That's just as terrible. It's the attention they crave. Some people are willing to betray years of friendship just to get a little spotlight. It gets difficult to tell who has your back, from those who have it long enough to stab you in it.

From the family room window, she spied Johnny's red car pull into the driveway. Grabbing her tote and hobo, she began walking to the door. Her mother must have heard her shoes because she came from the sunroom to say goodbye. Pulling her daughter into a hug, she reminded her "You're smart. You're kind. You're pretty. And you're significant to me and many others. Keep your head up."

Ava gave her a small smile. Just as Johnny was about to knock on the door, she opened it to walk out. He waved to her mother and gave his girl a hug. As is his habit, he carried her bag to his car. Once inside, Ava sat perfectly still and as quiet as the stars at night. Usually, when they're silent it's fine, but this is a different kind of silence altogether. He knows she's still hurting from finding out her personal problem is school news. 

Naturally, that's going to bother him. Anything that bothers her, bothers him. The measure of a man's strength is the way he protects the woman he loves. Well anyone who dares to bother his wife needs to look out. He's not called the Ace Degenerate for no reason. Though he may be calmer, and possibly a little more reformed, he can still take anyone on. He'll set fire to the world around him and burn it all down. But he'll never let even a single flame, or scorch marks, touch her.

Before they got out of the car, he made her look at him. "You good? Because if not tell me now and we'll leave." Hurt flashed across her face but then she put on a smile, and he knew she was going to act brave. She'll continue on despite being broken.

Taking her hand, he reminded her who she is. "You're my wife. You're my best friend. You're everything. Just like you told me how you love all of my scars, well I love yours too. The fact you're here means you're stronger than their words, which tried to hurt you. You're not broken. You're beautiful." He leaned over and kissed her, then they got out together. 

He held her a little tighter than normal. Of course, there was pointing and whispering, but that didn't stop her. She kept one foot in front of the other. When they had made a successful distance, he relinquished his tight hold and settled for her hand. They walked the rest of the way to meet up with their friends. 

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