Chapter 41: Dirt

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The day of love came and went, across the valley. As Johnny mentioned to his friends, he and Ava missed school. First, he woke up early and went to Sandcastle Bakery. It's there he bought Ava's favorite cranberry muffins and cranberry scones. He also bought her fresh fruit, caramel coffee, and white chocolate cranberry cookies. 

After stopping by the florist, for a dozen red and pink roses (each), he returned home and set everything out on a breakfast tray. He carefully took the treats into their bedroom and set them at the foot of the bed. Then he woke his wife up with a kiss. When she sat up, her face glowed brightly at him. 

After a quick roll of the neck, to get the kink out, she asked "Johnny, what on earth?" As she took in the breakfast and flowers, she told him "You didn't have to do this." But she's glad he did because those muffins are to die for. 

Sitting beside her, he admitted "Yeah I really did have to. But there are more fun treats awaiting you today. So eat up Babe." He took the breakfast croissant (that he bought for himself) off the tray and ate it. Once they had finished, he took the tray away and ordered her into the bathroom to get ready. 

Little did she know that inside the bathroom is a tray of lychee rose hand cream, rose-scented bath salts, and peony shower gel waiting for her. All of her favorite flowers and scents. He's too much! Her gift to him has been put to shame ten times over. When she was fresh and dressed for the day, she found him in the living room. He's sprawled out on the sofa with his feet propped up on the coffee table. 

Coming to sit in his lap, she wrapped her arms around him. "Johnny you're too much. The breakfast and flowers are enough. All of the bath things are SO sweet of you." She reached under her grey and red striped tank and withdrew a card. It had been tucked into her black leggings. Handing it to him, she stated "My card seems pitiful compared to all you've done for me."

He disagreed with her. "Babe, it's our first Valentine's as a married couple. I just wanted to do something special for you, for us. That's all. Hopefully, you think I treat you like this every day. Sometimes I hate how this day is so filled with declarations of love. I think to myself, what about the rest of the year?"

She kissed his cheek and agreed with that statement. "I do think you're romantic and full of love every day." With eagerness, she exclaimed, "Now open your card." Holding her breath, she watched him open it. 

His face lit up. Inside is a gift certificate to the bike shop on Cove Street. That bike shop is amazing. It has everything a guy could want for a dirt bike or a real motorcycle. He hasn't told her yet, but he wants to get one (one day)... a real motorcycle. "Ava, this is the perfect Valentine's gift besides..." His voice trailed off as he started planting kisses along her jaw and neck. 

Knowing what his "besides" meant, she laughed. "Johnny be patient. We have a whole day. Later we can have fun with your besides." 

With a final kiss to her neck, he breathed out the words "OK." Then collected himself. "You're right. We need to get going anyway."

Curious, she asked, "Where are we going?" His only response is "You'll see" as he got them up from the sofa. She ran back into the bedroom to put on her tall black boots, and black and grey cropped houndstooth cardigan. Grabbing her purse, he ushered her to his car. Once inside they kissed and drove out of the garage.

They arrived at Golf 'N Stuff, just before eleven. The place is packed with moms and kids. Turning to face him, she really wants to know "What are we doing here?"

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