Chapter 39: Coupons And Checks

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As the week marched on, rumors grew again. The finger-pointing, hushed whispers, and stares started back. Friday Ms. March, the school guidance counselor, and Ms. Wheaton the school nurse, called both Johnny and Ava into her office to "talk". Some people talk too much and say very little. That would be the case for Ms. March.

Ava had no idea why she was called out of class to go speak with the woman. Ms. March is kind but a bit ridiculous. Everyone knows not to really talk to her because she's a gossip and a brown noser. She's an irritating woman at best. But when Ava saw Johnny, in the office along with the school nurse, she knew something was up. 

Glancing up from her notepad, Ms. March greeted her as she entered. "Ava. It's so good to see you. Do come on in and have a seat." She motioned to an empty chair.

As Ms. March got up, to close the door, Ava sat down beside her husband. She gave him a look, and he returned it with shrugged shoulders and a sour expression. It's obvious he doesn't know what this is about either.

Clicking her ink pen to the on position, Ms. March started the conversation. "It's come to our attention, that the two of you are married. Is this true or just school gossip?" She looked at the couple for an answer.

Instantly Ava thought Oh God... Grabbing his wife's hand, Johnny responded. "Yes, Ms. March. We are married. Have been ever since Christmas break." He could care less what this woman has to say. 

Scribbling some notes, Ms. March "Uh-huh'd". Taking a glance at them, she asked "That's very interesting. I asked Ms. Wheaton to be here with us because frankly, I'm worried. A lot of the faculty and students are worried too. Typically when students get married in high school it's for one reason. So, Ava, I must ask are you pregnant?"

Before either of them could answer, Ms. Wheaton spoke up. She began talking about teen pregnancy. "Teen pregnancy is very high these days. The long-term effects are hard on both the mother and the child. The likely hood of you being a dropout is significantly high and the children of teen mothers are more likely to have lower academic achievement. There are other things like incarceration, health problems, and unemployment. If you are pregnant, dear, there are options available to you. But should you continue on and have the baby, that would be a huge risk and undertaking. This is especially true if the father isn't supportive."

Both Johnny and Ava's mouths dropped open at this conversation. Great balls of fire! Ava cannot believe this. It's one thing to have your family accuse you of being pregnant, but entirely another to hear it from people with no personal connection. Plus she REALLY hates the word "options". The way Ms. Wheaton said it made it sound dirty. 

Chancing another look at Johnny, made her notice he's fit to be tied. The vein is bulging in his neck, his jaw is tight, and he's wearing his fake smile. This is not good. She reached out and grabbed his hand. Hopefully, he'll bite his tongue. 

Ava decided to answer for them, this time. All things considered, it would be for the best. "Ms. March, Ms. Wheaton, thank you for your concern. But it's not needed as I'm most definitely not pregnant." She emphasized the not. For good measure, she added, "I had my period last week." Johnny scrunched up his face at the thought.

The two older women were not expecting to hear that. To say they're speechless is an understatement. "If you're not pregnant, then why are you married? You haven't even graduated high school. You have your whole life ahead of you," Ms. March declared. She just can't believe her ears. This is not normal teenage behavior. "This cost of living is costly. You need money to live on and a place to live in. You're teenagers." She clicked her pen off and on in a repeated pattern.

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