Chapter 22: Say

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Johnny called Ava straight away. "Hey, Babe. I need you to order more BBQ." He listened to her asking why. "Because Bobby's an idiot. No, really he is. He told the guys and they invited themselves. I know. I know. But then they invited their girlfriends, who happen to be your friends too." Oh, man. Ava's not happy. He wound the cord of his phone around his fingers. "I know. I know. Trust me. I know he's an idiot. I know you don't want to. But will you do it for me?"

He sighed a huge sigh. She doesn't want to, but in the end, she's a real trooper. "Yeah. I'll make it up to you. We can go—" What the hell! "Wait. I said I'd make it up to you but not going to see the lame Nutcracker ballet. Ava, wait. What about—" Oh that's even worse. Bullshit. "No. I don't take back what I said. Fine. I'll take you to the stupid Nutcracker." He hung up the phone.

Stupid Bobby and his big mouth. He is going to hurt him. Now he has to take Ava to the stupid Nutcracker. Men in tights. Gag! Barf him out! He bought those tickets in hopes she'd take one of her girlfriends. 

While Johnny sat on his bed stewing at Bobby, Ava also stewed. After calling Flying Ace BBQ, she began pacing in her room. Back and forth and forth and back, she went. This is not what she expected, at all. It was just supposed to be her, Johnny, Rachel, and Bobby. How difficult is that? But no. Bobby had to tell the guys and then they had to invite their girlfriends. Seriously?! 

She heard a knock at her door. "Come in!" she yelled in a huff of anger. Looking at her door, she saw Rachel enter. She sat down in a pink chair. 

Rachel sat her things down. Looking at her friend, she could tell Ava is unhappy. "Hi. What's wrong? You look like you stab someone with your curling iron."

Now would be as good a time as any to get Rachel's opinion. "I am upset about many things. But first, I had planned for the two of us to go over to my grandparent's second house in Malibu. It's kind of my hangout house. Anyway, I invited Johnny and asked him to bring Bobby. Well, long story short Bobby blabbed to the guys. Now they're all coming and so are the girls." 

Noticing Ava's sour expression, she said "So that's what's bothering you. What's up with you and the girls anyway? You've been very closed off with them lately."

Thankful for Rachel's words, she could breathe easier. She had given her the perfect opening. "I need your opinion on something. But seriously, please don't say anything to anyone." 

With a nod, Rachel stated "I cross my heart. Plus I don't believe in gossiping. It only hurts people. I should know since I've been hurt at my old school. If I have a problem with someone I talk to them directly." She sat down in the other chair beside Ava. 

A hint of a frown graced Ava's face. "Rach, do you remember before the Homecoming dance, when that gossip was spread about me?" She saw Rachel shake her head. "Well, one of our friends started it. But I don't know who and it's been bothering me. You guys are the ONLY ones I've ever told about my virginity. I would never say that to anyone I don't trust."

Understanding perfectly, Rachel thought about what she said. "I don't know for a fact who, but I might have an idea. Do you remember that week, there was a party at Jason's house? The Junior who drives the black truck and is on the football team?" She Ava's recognition dawn on her face. "I know Joy, Charley, and Kara went. It's possible they shared something then. Cause if I remember correctly the gossip was spread the next day."

That makes sense. But... "Why didn't you go to the party?" Rachel needs to get out more. She shuts herself in a lot, but then she's a fine one to talk.

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