Chapter 34: I Want Candy

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The rest of the week was uneventful, save for going to social security and having her name officially changed permanently to Ava Leigh Lawrence. Once those documents arrive everything will be complete. Then she'll have no choice but to tell her parents, house or no house. Thinking about her housing situation made her contemplate the idea she has. 

It's a bold one. The idea will either be loved or hated. You gain nothing by staying inside your comfort zone. Her inner voice is telling her it's the right thing to do. So she's going to be courageous enough to voice her opinion and fight for the good of her marriage. Even if this means sacrificing herself. However as great as her idea is, she never acted on it. At all, period. And there's an extremely good reason for it too. 

Friday after school, she and Johnny were going house hunting. Which she must admit is all very strange. Life was so different last year. In her wildest dreams, she never could have imagined getting married at age eighteen, not even graduating from high school. Much less getting married to the love of her life. Throw in being drunk and tying the knot in a Vegas chapel, well then it becomes a work of fiction. But it's not. It's real and all of that actually did happen. 

So when Friday afternoon rolled around, she was all smiles from ear to ear. It seems neither she nor Johnny can stop smiling these days. And it's not all attributed to certain extracurricular activities in the bedroom either. Although come to think of it, that has been incredibly fulfilling as well. You think you know someone and then a whole new layer of intimacy gets thrown in. The intimate discoveries have led to a whole other coat of love. 

It's truly the most breathtaking experience. Not because of the act itself, but from the closeness and understanding, which comes along with it. Before she just knew Johnny, but now she knows him like no one else. In intimacy is truth. When you realize you can tell someone your truth, reveal yourself to them, and stand in front of them unashamed, and know you're safe—- that's true intimacy. And it's sacred.

As soon as the last bell sounded, and she put a bit of lipgloss on, Ava followed Dawn and Rachel out of the gym. In order to try and look mature, she wore a more sensible-looking outfit. Hot pink pants, black and white striped fitted long-sleeve T-shirt (which is tucked into her pants), and belted with a black skinny belt. She wore a cropped denim jacket over it. 

Johnny met her outside of the gym, along with the other guys. They all walked to their respective vehicles as a group. The guys also want to get together later, but Johnny suggested "Let's hang out tomorrow instead. We can eat lunch and catch a movie, then go back to Sid's beach house and relax." He turned to Ava and her gal pals. "You chicks are welcome to join in our fun." 

They all agreed, except Dutch who wondered "Why?" Then he thought for a minute. "I see what's going on here. You two are going to have some fun tonight. Right..." 

In order to get him, quiet Johnny went along with his idea. "You know it Man." Fun it will not be, more like stress. He's been preparing himself for the pressures, and tension, that come with buying a house and being a first-time homeowner. 

Once the guys had begun to ride off on their bikes, Johnny turned to Ava. She was saying bye to Rachel, who then rode off on the back of Bobby's bike. Finally. "Babe, you ready?" Taking his hand, she nodded. He looked down at their clasped hands and smiled. They're not alone anymore, they're together. 

From school, he drove to Sandcastle Cove. In his research, he discovered there's a realty business there. Picket Fence Property is their first stop. When he parked the car and turned to her, he noticed she's fiddling with her shirt. "You OK?"

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