Chapter 17: Betrayal

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Rumors are like wildfire. Before you know it they spread and get out of control. The thing about rumors is its false knowledge. False knowledge is worse than ignorance, especially when it's carried out against someone. Only a true scumbag would get joy out of destroying another person's life through defamation of character.

Now facts are never hearsay or something that someone heard from a "source". Facts are knowledge. They are what you see or witness first hand. It's true. Truth is always accurate because it's truth. Truth can never be a lie. 

But what about when truth and rumors collide? What about when someone spreads the truth as a rumor? That's betrayal. The worst betrayal comes from those we trust. Those who don't know the value of loyalty can never understand the cost of betrayal. Be careful who you tell your feelings to because some people are laying in wait to use them against you. Trust and loyalty is not a game. It's not about who's real to your face. It's about who's real behind your back.

Ava wrote in her literature notebook. She wrote out all of her thoughts on Mr. Wickham's character. The words that seemed to repeat over and over are rumors, truth, betrayal, and loyalty. Those are important words dealing with the integrity of a person. A person's integrity is important to her. 

Having been on the receiving end of nasty rumors, in middle school, it really bothers her to hear idle gossip. Gossip is fun. Everyone does it, even she has. But when the gossip goes too far, that's it. There has to be a stop. She tries to stop rumors from spreading by not saying anything. And some are just too over the top to be believed. 

This is why, when she started getting strange looks Friday before the Homecoming Dance, she grew suspicious. It started that morning. Since it's School Spirit Day, she decided to dress accordingly. Grey joggers, and a green off-the-shoulder sweater with a black tank underneath. She even wore green socks with a pair of black pumps and painted her nails green with grey dots. That's it. School spirit. Yay.

Walking by a group of Sophomore girls, they began looking at her and whispering. Thinking they're talking about Johnny, she ignored it. She passed by a group of boys and they also started whispering. OK, maybe it's her outfit. Perhaps her pants are too tight? She really doesn't know and could care less.

But by lunchtime, the whispers are growing tiresome. Bypassing her own locker for Johnny's, she went to where he is. With her books in her hands, she leaned her back onto the lockers. He smiled when he saw her. Instead of her usual greeting, she asked "Why am I getting so many whispers today? Every time I pass a group they stop and talk about me. Do you know anything?"

Interesting. For once he knows nothing. "Maybe they think you look hot. I know I do." He closed his locker and leaned his arm beside her head. He gave her a quick kiss, then took her books.

She nodded and they went to her own locker. When they passed a group of freshmen they all pointed and stared. Johnny sees what she means. Shoving her books into the locker, and taking the ones for her next classes, she slammed it shut. "It's super frustrating being talked about and not knowing why."

Johnny caressed her shoulders, then took her hand. "Just remember. Gossip about you is from haters and it's spread by idiots. I mean look at Tommy. He's one of my best friends, but he gossips. Enough said."

Elbowing him in the side, playfully, Ava stated "That's mean. Tommy isn't an idiot. He's just not the brightest bulb in the bunch, sometimes." 

"That's code for an idiot." He gave her a look as they walked to the cafeteria.

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