Chapter 43: I've Got That Goin' For Me

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By Sunday, Johnny was feeling better physically but his mind and heart were not. The fact someone did something so dirty, so despicable, so evil just plain hurts. It hurts and it sucks. Ava told him "Honey, this is a life-changing event. It's traumatic. Yes, you were hurt but don't let it haunt you. Don't give her power where she has none." She stroked his hair. "Don't let her dirty feet walk around in your mind. You're not going to be the same person because of this, but don't let it make you into someone you're not. You're in charge of your own healing. You have the power there."

True, that kind of power can't be taken away. He has the power for his own healing. He realizes some people (like Kreese and Misty) are just shitty humans. Earlier they called her grandparents and let them know they weren't going to be at dinner that night. So instead they invited their friends over. She and Johnny want to share with them what happened. 

Before their friends arrived, later in the day, they were laying on the sofa together. Since he was laying in her arms, her hands were in his hair. She loves playing with his hair. It's so soft. Together they were watching Romancing The Stone, for a lazy Sunday afternoon. The only thing wrong is he's too quiet. "You're so quiet I can hear you thinking. What's on your mind?" she asked.

"Everything. I still feel powerless. I mean, I'm freaking Johnny Lawrence. King Karate. How did I let this happen? How did I let someone get the upper hand on me? I'm like a crippled cobra, you know?" His head is beginning to pound again. 

Not being able to help it a giggle escaped her mouth. A crippled cobra. Only he would say that. Picturing a crippled cobra made her laugh full on. He turned himself around and met her eye to eye. "What's so funny?" he wants to know. He could use a good laugh.

Still laughing, she said "A crippled cobra. That's hysterical." Her laughter made him chuckle. But then she had a thought. "Johnny! I just thought of something." She sat up straight and it pushed him off the sofa. As he was getting back up and lying down again, Ava explained her thoughts. "If a cobra is crippled then that's the most dangerous cobra out there. It doesn't just lie down and not fight back. It's going to fight back, even injured. It takes hours for a snake to die and it can still bite you while in that process. A crippled cobra isn't powerless. You may be a crippled cobra, but you've still got a powerful bite."

He thought about what she said. Yes, he is the crippled cobra. "You're right. I'm not so powerless." 

Looking into his eyes, she pushed his hair off his forehead. She moved to sit on top of him and leaned down. Her lips placed a sweet kiss on his head and on his heart. Then she told him, "Close your eyes and breathe deep. I want you to breathe so deep it hurts." He opened his mouth to complain. She turned his word on him. "Quiet!"

His eyes snapped open. "You can't use that on me. That's my word."

Unphased, she said it again "Quiet! Now close your eyes and breathe deep."

He narrowed his eyes at her and closed them. "Yes, M'am," he grumbled before he took a deep breath.

Ghosting her fingers over his eyes and forehead, she instructed him to "Exhale your fear." He did. "Keep breathing. Inhale again. Now exhale your doubt. Release your anxiety, your worries." She smiled down at him. He looks peaceful with his eyes closed. "In other words, this is how you would say it," she chuckled at herself. "Inhale all the good shit and exhale—"

Smiling, his voice interrupted her and finished her sentence. "All the bullshit." They both laughed, together.

She moved to get off of him, but he wouldn't let her. "Babe, I really don't know what I would do without you. You've been my rock through this. I owe you a big back massage, shoulder rub, and a really BIG—-"

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