Chapter 53: Heroes

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Two weeks left until graduation. Those two weeks went by in a blur. It was a whirlwind push to the finish line. During the two weeks, the West Valley High yearbook came out. The only thing that mattered was the Senior Class Superlatives. 

The guys poured over those during lunch, one day. They got a good laugh out of some of them like "Most likely to save a redwood tree goes to Susan," Tommy announced. They all laughed as that's something right up her cranky pants lane. She's always trying to "save" something. A few weeks ago she posted signs for "Save The Plastic Hairbrushes". Dutch wanted to say something to her about that, but he didn't. Which is a miracle in itself. Instead, he just mocked her behind her back, as she does him all the time.

This was followed up by Jimmy saying, "Most likely to end up on infomercials goes to Barbara." He laughed as he stated "Oh God. That's so true!" 

Most school spirited went to Ali Mills, of course. She's a cheerleader and so gung-ho about school everything. Most likely to live in and help a third-world country went to LaRusso. No shock there. He's such a goody, goody do-gooder. Then the guys stopped caring about others and looked for their names (as well as Ava, Rachel, and Dawn's).

Dutch got several superlatives. He read them out loud with pride. "Most likely to fight aliens (true, I would), most likely to be late to graduation (true again), most likely to prove men can thrive living in caves (I'm not a caveman people. I do have standards.), biggest life of the party, biggest flirt, most sarcastic, most likely to appear on America's Most Wanted." He paused and said "Hey! Now that's just wrong." 

To which Dawn agreed. "They got that totally wrong. It should say most likely to end up on Maury Povich with a who's your daddy segment."

She received a look from Dutch for that one. He pointed his finger at her and announced "That's wrong too. The correct TV show is most likely to end up on The Price Is Right. Man, I love that show. Dutch come on down!" Many eyes grew large and funny looks were given. Who knew Dutch is a closet game show lover? And the Price Is Right at that.

Next up was Jimmy who read his superlatives out loud too. "Most likely to get away with anything (Yes. I'm like a ninja.), most understanding (Ha!), biggest early bird, most likely to make a million before he's thirty, most quiet, and best eyes." He nodded his head. "Not bad."

With a big, goofy grin Tommy spoke. "Alright let's see... I got most likely to be a comedian, class clown, funniest, most random, biggest male gossip, the loudest male, most gullible, best bromance (me and Dutch... what the hell), most likely to become a talk show host, biggest drama king, and most likely to freak out if they don't get a Senior superlative." 

His eyes scanned the group. They were all laughing. "This is not funny. How dare they say Dutch and I have a bromance? These people don't know anything. It's clearly Dutch and Jimmy." Dawn patted his arm.

Next came Bobby. "Mine are most likely to brighten someone's day, friendliest male, most laid back (whoever voted for that does not know me at all), most understanding, most dependable, cutest couple (Rach and me), the best person to be stranded on a desert island with, most affectionate (wrong again, that's Johnny), most likely to be caught sleeping in class (it was one time people), most likely to cheer you up, best smile, and most insightful." Johnny high-fived him. 

Taking his yearbook, Johnny smiled and read. "Best dressed male (true), best hair (also true), most likely to be a model, best car (I do love my car), most athletic, heartbreaker, dream date, biggest night owl (wrong, maybe in past years), most intimidating, most likely to live happily ever after, class couple (Ava and me), sweetest couple (Ava and me again), most romantic male, most likely to stay friends (me and the guys), and most changed." 

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