Chapter 28: Homesick

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It's Christmas morning. She's snug in her bed, but her bed doesn't feel right. It's missing something or rather someone. It's missing her husband. Husband. The word stuck in her mouth. Husband.

What is a husband? A married man. The steward of a household. The master of a house. What makes a house? A place of residence. One can have a house but not have a home. Alternatively one can have a home but not have a house. However it's better to have both, a house and a home. Home is not where you are from, but where you belong. For Ava, it's with her husband, who's not here. Now she's homesick. And therein lies the problem.

She has a husband. She has a home. But she needs a house. She cannot have her husband until she has one.
She's adamant about that. When they were still in Vegas and he gave life to the words "You feel like home to me", their marriage hung heavy around her neck. But she's determined to do this right. They have to have a house. She will not rest until it's so. 

If they don't have a house and they're kicked out onto the street, which is a HUGE probability, then where will they go? What will they do? So no. She'll keep this secret until then. No matter how crappy she feels inside for keeping it. She's doing this for them.

Getting up, her feet hit the floor and went to her dresser. On the top of her six-drawer, grey wood, dresser sits a Faberge egg jewelry box. It's a beautiful pearl and diamond egg. Her grandmother, Edith, bought it for her thirteenth birthday. It's possibly the most expensive thing she owns, besides the bracelet. Touching her bracelet, she twisted it on her arm. Then she took her egg and opened it. 

Nestled inside are their wedding bands. She took hers out. It's simple but not too much. It's fourteen karat gold with milgrain detailing and a vintage-inspired look. Eight round pave diamonds are set around the outside. It's precious and she loves it. One thing she remembers about the choosing of this ring is his voice saying "It looks like you, sweet and pretty." 

In the quiet of her own bedroom, she put it on her finger. Walking over to the window, she admired it in the light. It's brilliance and sparkle shone clear. And again she felt homesick. But it's Christmas Day. No time for petty pitty parties. 

Tamping down the urge to call Johnny and wish him a merry Christmas, she got up and ready for the day. Besides she'll see him later at her grandparents Christmas dinner. Dressed in red and white fair isle Christmas leggings, a black sweater, and comfy grey slippers, she walked downstairs. She twisted her hair up as she went and secured it with a band. 

Downstairs the triplets were playing with Santa's gifts. "Ava, Ava, look what Santa brought us," Vera told her big sister. Ava sat on the floor by her. "Ava look it's a pretty dolly." She gave Ava the doll. The box says it cries like a real baby. It does look pretty lifelike. 

"That's so nice Vera. Santa knew exactly what you wanted," she remarked as she handed the doll back.

Toby, the quieter of the three, showed her his new GI Joe action figures. "Look Sissy. More GI Joe." 

She took them and ooohed and ahhhed over them. Then Clara said, "But Ava Santa came for you too." She pointed her little fingers to two big boxes.

With a huge smile, Ava said "Oh wow! Santa must have thought I was good this year." The triplets agreed.

But then she heard a dreadful voice. "Santa is senile. If you're good, then I'm perfect." Chase plopped down on the sofa bare feet, bare chest, and all. 

"Oh look kids, it's the Grinch. He's come to steal your Christmas fun," she announced to the room. The triplets laughed. 

Rolling his eyes, Chase commented. He pointed to each of his siblings. "Coal for you, and you, and you, and especially for you." Then he broke wind in right behind Ava's head. 

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