Chapter 33: Teed Off

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The day of the golf tournament arrived. She's been up since six this morning. The excitement and anticipation have been growing the past two days. There's a great deal riding on this. How well she plays will determine her future, literally. 

The thing about golf is the majority of it is nothing but a head game. Like her golfing hero, Arnold Palmer, says "Success in golf depends less on strength of body than upon strength of mind and character." If your head is right, then your game will follow. But if your head isn't in the right place, then you can kiss your game goodbye too. It would be so easy to allow herself to dwell on the negative feelings, that permeated her spirit with the gossip. But like she finally realized Monday, letting those losers get to her is giving them victory. She's not going to allow them that privilege. 

Since it's chilly outside, she donned her black golf pants, Smartwool, long-sleeve, turquoise shirt. Then Ava instantly thought to put it with her puffy, insulated jacket (the same color as her shirt). Knowing it's supposed to be sunny today, and with the amount of play time she'll receive, it'll get warm quickly. It's good to have layers because you can shed them throughout the day. She put her long brown hair up in a messy bun. A black fleece headband will go around her head, and ears, for warmth. 

Once Ava finished dressing, she went downstairs for breakfast. Before a match, especially an important one, she doesn't eat a lot. With her nerves in knots, it would just make her sick. Her mom had cut up some fruit the other day, so she grabbed a bowl and dipped some of it out. Then she took the whipped topping and placed it on the fruit. Her glass of orange juice rounded out her meal. 

Her mother entered the kitchen holding a cup of coffee. Her red nails were a pretty contrast to the white mug, in her hands. She sat down beside her daughter and sipped the beverage. While Ava ate, her mother asked "Are you ready for today? This is a big contest you've entered."

After swallowing her fruit, she answered her mother. "Yeah, I am. I've been practicing since Christmas. I think I have a good chance of winning. Are you going to come to watch?"

Linda patted her hand. "Of course. But I can't say the whole time. I have to leave to pick the triplets up from Pre-K by one. With the tournament starting at ten, I'll get to see a good portion." She sipped her coffee again.

At that moment Chase entered looking unkempt, especially his hair (which is sticking up in all directions). His scruffy, grubby self poured a bowl of cereal and sat at the table too. Before he ate, he asked his sister "Did you brush your teeth this morning? Rat Face won't want to kiss you with nasty dragon breath."

Ava wondered why he's asking her that. It's very suspicious. "Why do you care if I have or have not brushed my teeth?"

His face gave nothing away. "Just curious." He eyed her as he brought a spoonful of cereal to his mouth.

However, Linda was not fooled by her son. "Chase if you have done something you shouldn't have, then you need to speak up now." She gave him the patented mom look.

Snickering, he confessed. "I rubbed your toothbrush around the toilet. Surprise."

In an instant, Ava's mouth hung open. Of all the nasty... She pushed her chair back and stood up and yelled "You nasty, foul, disgusting pig!" 

Before she could run upstairs to get a new toothbrush and re-brush her teeth, he yelled back "You're going to lose. You're a loser like Rat Face."

Already upset, she took his cereal bowl and dumped it on top of his head. Then she left the room to go re-brush. As she exited, she heard her mother say "You asked for it." Yes, he did. This is yet another reason why she has to win the contest. The longer she has to stay in this house with that horrible poop face she'll lose her mind. 

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