Chapter 11: Everything

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Saturday morning, saw Ava getting up and ready. It's the beginning of October and already the weather is chilly. They must be in for an early Winter. With this in mind she put on a pair of polka dot skinny jeans, and a long sleeve grey knit top. She paired this with tall black boots. 

Today she's going over to Johnny's house. They're going to put together a dressy outfit, one that will be suitable for the hospital fundraiser. Similar to a stuffy country club function, the hospital is having a silent auction and dance this night. Her parents want her to go. They said "For one it's a good opportunity to make connections. Also, there are supposed to be many interesting items for auction. Some of which we think you'd be interested in." 

After wrangling Johnny into attending with her, they agreed to meet at his house. She'd help him pick something out to wear and if there's nothing in his closet, they'd go buy a whole new suit. Plus the fact of spending time together is a win. It seems like her favorite thing to do these days, besides golf and shop, is hang out with Johnny. And the more they spend time together, the more they learn about each other. New, exciting things they didn't know before. 

For example, she had no idea Johnny could kind of surf. According to him, "I can't really but I enjoy trying. Sometimes I'll go just by myself. The wind, the surf, the water, and the sun are soothing." She also found out he wants to major in business. "I have goals of opening my own dojo one day. To do that I need money and business knowledge, you know?" She thinks he can achieve it too. He's really not as dumb as people think he is. There's a big brain and a big heart inside his fit body, along with a big ego (sometimes).

Once downstairs the triplets bombarded her with leg hugs. They are three sweet, crazy children. First, there's Clara the oldest by a minute. Then Vera who thinks she's the oldest. Finally, there's Toby. Her mom thought she was only having twin girls. Well, surprise! A boy also came along. She named him Toby, much to Ava's dismay. She told her mother "Mom! Toby sounds like a dog's name." She still thinks it sounds like a dog's name. But he's a cutie pie with his curly brown hair.

"Ava! Ava!" they shouted. She hugged each one individually. "Where you going, Ava?"

Her mother looked at her. "Yes. Where are you going, Dear?" She is stirring some kind of a batter mixture. It looks maybe like pancakes?

Opening the freezer, and taking out the box of Eggo Waffles, Ava answered. "I'm off to Johnny's after breakfast. I'm helping him decide what to wear tonight." Taking three waffles out, she put the box back into the freezer and closed it.

Continuing to stir the batter, Linda gazed at her daughter. "That's nice Ava. He's a good boy. One worth holding on to." She's glad Ava is back together with Johnny. They were always a darling couple. Why they broke up she'll never know. 

Why did her mother say that? One worth holding on to. How does she know Johnny is that guy. All this love stuff is making her brain itch. Yet... "Mom, how do you know a relationship is real and worth holding on to?"

Laughing a bubbly laugh, the one she gets when something is amusing, her mother put the bowl down. She came to stand in front of her, at the kitchen island. "Well, Ava that's an interesting question. A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other. No relationship is sunshine and rainbows all the time. The rain will come, but you learn to dance in it, together. You and Johnny just got back together at the end of August. You're still learning each other again, working past the hurt that broke you up the first time." She laid a hand on top of her daughter's.

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