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"Alrighty, I'm ready for some training now," she chirped happily and stretched her whole body as tall as she could, including her wings, which now showed how wide they really were.

"Okay. Who will be watching you besides me are principal Nezu, whom you met yesterday, Present Mic and Midnight," Aizawa informed Y/n, pointing to the people. She looked at the people before nodding.

"Sounds good to me. Where can we go?" she chirped.

"We're headed to Gym Gamma," said Aizawa, walking out the door.

"That doesn't tell me anything but great to know I guess," Y/n said, making the adults smile.


"Woah, that is so cool," Y/n said when they walked through the doors.

"How do you usually train, young Y/n?" principal Nezu asked.

"Usually through fighting someone and I would be glad if I could do that now too. Although I would like to fly for a few minutes before since I haven't done it in days," the girl answered, turning to the grownups.

"Yes, that's fine. While you fly, can you show us your top speed?" Nezu asked.

"Sure," Y/n answered and took the windshield resting around her neck. That was a white pair of earphones with some gray-tinted glass in the front so it would somewhat shield from the sun. "I gotta say, the League did grant me some things beneficial to my quirk."

The grown-ups nodded.

"I really hope there isn't a tracker in there," she muttered.

"What?" Aizawa asked.

"Just joking," Y/n said carelessly. I hope.

"She reminds me of Hawks," Present Mic commented, watching the girl do some flying exercises such as flying backwards and quick turns.

The other three nodded.

"Do you think they're related?" Midnight asked the others.

"Possibly. They have similar looks and mostly the same kind of quirk. And Y/n did mention remembering an older brother. But we can't be sure until we get our hands on the League's files which include her real last name," Aizawa answered, getting mumbles of agreement out of the others.

"Alright," Y/n said, landing on the ground again. "I would like to do a speed test. It would be nice if any of you could take the time."

Aizawa nodded and took out his phone. "Fly to the end of the gym and back at your top speed. How fast do you think you can do it?"

"Ten to twelve seconds maybe? I don't know. Haven't flown long distance in a while," the girl answered and hovered above the floor.

"Go," said Aizawa and started the time.

Y/n took off at inhuman speed, got to the other end of the gym, zipped up the wall and dove down across the gym, coming to a stop in front of the teachers.

"13.67 seconds," Aizawa said, slightly baffled.

Dang it! I've gotten slower.

"I'm impressed," piped principal Nezu from Aizawa's scarf.

"Thank you, sir," the girl said, her breath slowly evening out.

"You mentioned a fog," said Midnight as the girl took off the visor.

"Yes. Would you like me to show you?" she asked and got nods in return.

"Okay then," she said and started flapping her wings very gently, not enough to take off but enough to make a slight breeze. Suddenly the wings started emitting a thick, not see-through fog. But that wasn't bothering Y/n. Her mind automatically turned her eyes on another mode, and she could see through the fog which had by now covered the entire hall.

She looked through her wings and eyes both and was glad to see all the grown-ups frozen in place. She smirked and soundlessly walked behind them.

"Very impressive," said Midnight, turning her head in every direction. "How long does it stay or can you make it disappear?"

"I can make it go away and if I don't it stays for around 2 to 3 hours," Y/n answered from behind them, making them flinch slightly. She smirked again and walked beside them.

"Can you make it disappear then, please?" Mic asked with fear in his voice.

"Of course," Y/n chuckled and focused. She hadn't done this a lot. She slowly started flapping her wings again. This time her feathers seemed to breathe and with every air intake the fog visibly lessened.

"Can you also do it while you're up in the air?" Aizawa asked, scanning the gym with his eyes to find the girl.

"Yes, I can. While I'm in the air it actually works a bit faster," Y/n chirped from right beside him, making all the adults snap her necks.

"Okay, you also said something about like sensing stuff through your wings?" Midnight intrigued, being the fastest to get over the shock.

"Yeah," the young girl nodded.

"Okay. Can you put on this blindfold for a while?" Midnight said, giving the girl a pitch black blindfold.

Y/n nodded and put it on.

"Try to locate us through your feathers when we tell you to," she heard Aizawa and nodded.

Now, with all her senses, she focused on her surroundings, trying to locate where the teachers were going. She had a mind image of people who were running around in circles and zig zags.

Pretty clever. Too bad it doesn't work, she smirked. She heard the footsteps coming to a halt and Aizawa's voice telling her she can start 'searching' now.

Without a second thought, she pinpointed the pros exactly and sent out four fast feathers to gently land on their heads.

"I'm baffled!" Mic shouted and clapped a bit. "You wield your quirk pretty well."

Y/n lifted her blindfold and smiled. "Thanks."

"Now," said Aizawa, lifting Principal Nezu out of his scarf and trotting closer. "Combat."

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