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"Sure," you smiled and went out the door. So this is family.

You pocketed your phone, having finished texting Shinsou that you couldn't hang out with him at the park this week. You had also notified Keigo that you'll be away so he doesn't drop by for no reason.

You rolled your eyes as Monoma started taunting your class again.


You sighed at the commotion and turned to Todoroki who was sitting beside you.

"You wield your quirk very well. Congrats," you said. "I doubt you'll be having any trouble getting through with the camp."

He nodded. "Same goes for you."

Silence ensued.

"So what do you do in your free time?" you asked. You were good friends with Todoroki but you didn't really know him.

"Nothing much. Mainly try to avoid my dad," he said.

You nodded in understanding.

"Say, Y/n," Todoroki started. "Are you related to Hawks?"

You frowned. Should I tell him? I mean no one would probably hear.

"Yeah. He's my brother," you said quietly. "But don't you dare tell anyone, his name is still a secret from the public."

Bakugou leaned back in his chair. He was glad no one sat next to him so he could freely eavesdrop.

Todoroki nodded to you. "Yeah. I guess that makes sense. But why are you adopted by Aizawa then? Is it because you didn't want the fame and pressure that would come if people knew you were Hawks' sister?"

You frowned. "I'd really rather not talk about that in such a crowded place. But I guess you'll find out in the future anyway."

He nodded. "I understand."

Bakugo frowned. She's hiding something... And back in the U.S.J... That warp villain mentioned her too. She seemed to know the villains... But how? Was she with them willingly or was she forced? Was she even with them?


You all filed out of the bus on a cliff. You took the moment to stretch your wings to their full length. You didn't get to do that too much because you stayed mostly in your room.

Two cat-like heroes and a boy came out of a car and greeted Aizawa, making Midoriya go into fan-boy mode.

You sighed. This is gonna be a looong week.

"Your summer camp is there," the brown-haired woman pointed to the base of the mountain.

It has already begun, hasn't it? In caution, you floated a bit above the ground.

In less than a minute, dirt threw everyone off the cliff. You waited for it to go over and then sent out your feathers to help the others land.

"You too, Y/n," Aizawa said sternly when the dirt cleared up.

"Going, going," you said lazily, jumping off the cliff and gaining back your feathers.

"Thanks for the landing, Y/n," Kaminari said while you yourself landed, hands in your pockets. Yes, you had made pockets into your school uniform's skirt. You also wore shorts under it.

You only nodded to him.

"Be alert, guys," you commanded. "Something's coming from the woods."

"What do you mean?" Mina asked.

You took out two blades and pointed into the woods. "That."

The monster came out and you wasted no time to charge at it, stabbing a blade where it's heart should be. It disintegrated.

You smirked while looking back. "Come on guys. Let's destroy those."

The class shivered. She's like Bakugou.

Bakugou mirrored your smirk. "Yeah. Let's end them."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now