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Bench Boy, he thought with a light chuckle. Two can play the game, Bench Wings. Though I really hope I'll see her around. She seems nice. Maybe I could make a... friend?

"N/n~" you heard as you were squashed in a cupboard in the kitchen. "I'll find you and then eat you!"

You giggled silently at your brother's playful threat.

"Oooh~" you heard the footsteps halt. "Was that a laugh I heard? You have to be quieter, I'm like a bird."

The footsteps started moving again.

"Aha!" your brother opened the cupboard door and grinned. "Found ya N/n! I win."

You pouted slightly as you crawled out.

"Keigo, that's so unfair to use your quirk like that!" you scolded.

"Once you get your quirk, you'll understand, sis. A quirk is a part of you which you just can't ignore. And you shouldn't have to deny it either! Promise me you'll always be proud of your quirk, okay?" he asked, leaning down slightly to look you in the eye.

"I promise, Kei. But that's only if you'll always do the same!" you said.

"Then I promise too. We'll do it together, N/n. We'll always be together," your brother assured genuinely, but you were still scared. You were scared you weren't going to have him in your life.

"Do you absolutely, 100 percent doubled with a thousand, promise on your wings that we'll always be together?" little you asked, still a bit doubtful if he was going to keep his side.

"I swear on my wings that I, Keigo Takami, will always be by your side," he said, putting a hand to his heart.

You woke up with a jolt and groaned. "Again? That's like what? The 5th morning in a row?"

Wait! you scrambled out of bed and searched for a pen, mumbling to yourself.

"Takami, Takami, Takami, Takami, Takami, Takami, Takami-"

You went to the paper that had 'Keigo' already written on it and placed your pen down.

What was it?

"Gosh darn it!" you cursed, pulling your hair a bit.

It'll come later then, you thought with a sigh, looking at the clock. 5 A.M? You know I'm starting to think I should just start waking up at this time and doing homework in the morning if I mostly wake up at this time anyway... Or maybe I could work out???




Nah I'm too lazy to do either of those. To laze around we go.

In the span of half an hour you had managed to dress up and drag yourself in the common room for breakfast.

Scrambled eggs does sound good right now...

No more than 47 seconds into your eating, you were joined by Present Mic.

"Hey, kid," he greeted fairly normally. "What are you doing up so early? Another flashback I assume?"

You nodded tiredly. "Yeah. I got to know my brother's last name. Probably mine too."

This seemed to peak his interest as he paused the tea-making and turned to look at you. "And? What was it? We could finally figure out your family."

"I forgot," you answered blandly. He frowned a bit.

"Anyways," you changed the topic, forcing yourself to be more cheerful. "When exactly does the Sports Festival start exactly? And can I use my visor and headphones? I filled out an application for that, I think Aoyama did too."

"It starts at 10. You can also use your stuff since you filled an application and it could seriously and permanently hurt your hearing and vision as you pointed out. That's a valid reason for giving the permission to wear them," he informed you.

"That's great! Thanks, Uncle Mic. I'll go-"

"No training, Y/n," he cut you off.


"You will not tire yourself out right before the Sports Fest. You can warm up right beforehand."

"But I-"

"End of discussion," he said with a tone that said 'no room for arguing'.

You sighed and nodded. "Do you guys have a musical instrument anywhere? I've always wanted to learn one."

He thought for a bit. "Uhh... I think we might have an assembly of instruments in a room near the big hall. It's for the kids who want to do a band or something of that sort. I can show you there."

"Sounds awesome!"

And that's how you ended up in a room that contained a set of different guitars, a drum set and some other stuff.

"So what do you want to learn?" Present Mic asked, looking down at you.

"The Bass," you answered with no hesitation and sparkles in your eyes.

He smiled. "Great choice. There should be a book on how to play it in the back of the room. I assume you'll teach yourself. If you aren't back in the common room by 8.30, I'll shout for you."

"Yeah, of course! I'll be back in time, don't worry," you assured after his little speech and he left to do what teachers do in the mornings - ignoring their responsibilities until the last possible minute.

You looked on the shelf for a bit and found a book titled 'Instructions for wanna-be Bassists'.

You grinned. Perfect.

The next one and a half hours, you were teaching yourself how to play the Bass. It was actually easy when you understood. Same went for math.

You put the guitar down and fanned your hands around since your fingers had gotten really red by the time.

Wonder what time it is... you looked around the room. 8.27!? I have to get back or Uncle Mic will make everyone deaf!

And you ran, partly flew, through the halls, getting back to the teachers' common room. You took a couple wrong turns though.

You barged in right on time to see the clock tick 8.30 and Present Mic starting to inhale, getting ready to shout.

"Hey," you said, still catching your breath. "I got lost."

"Oh, hey kid," Present Mic greeted normally, acting like he wasn't just about to bust everyone's ear drums.

"Sooooooooooo," you said. "What now? We have an hour and a half."

"You just relax, talk and eat for three quarters of an hour and then it's time to get ready!" Midnight said cheerily.

"Sounds fair to me," you said, plopping yourself down on the couch and running your fingers through your wings, straightening out any feathers that had decided it was a good time to curl up.

"So. Do you guys want soda or something?" Present Mic's voice came from next to the fridge. You chuckled and agreed along with Midnight, enjoying the peaceful morning you had left until you had to compete against every single one of your age-group students in the school.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now