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Bakugou mirrored your smirk. "Yeah. Let's end them."

It didn't take long for your classmates to join you and Bakugou in destroying the upcoming monsters.

You laughed gleefully.

Kaminari sweat dropped. "What are you laughing about? I don't see what's funny."

You smiled broadly. "This is fun, don't you think? We can use our quirks to full extent without fearing that our opponents will be overly hurt or dead."

The others' eyes widened in realisation, determination filling them.

"You're right!" Kirishima said. "We'll totally ace this."


It was the evening and all of you trotted out of the forest tiredly. Your enthusiasm had been killed in about half an hour due to the beasts getting increasingly stronger and bigger.

You all were a bit soily and everyone's clothes were a bit torn up in places but otherwise, you were pretty proud of yourselves.

Your shirt had a little rip right under your wing behind your shoulder, revealing a burn scar that ran until your backbone. Besides that scar you also had one on the side of your leg, a little under your ankle and one tiny one on your neck. You were surprised none of your classmates had pointed them out. Especially after the swimming, when the one on your foot was fairly visible.

Your wings were slightly ruffled and ears hurt due to flying at semi-high speeds without headphones. Your eye was also red because you got dirt inside of it for hours before it came out.

But otherwise, you were feeling pretty accomplished.

Looking at the others, you noted that their situation wasn't any better.

In fact, they looked so beaten up it was funny. You laughed freely, drawing a bit of attention to yourself as you were all walking towards the house.

"Come on, guys, look alive! We did it! That's pretty cool, isn't it?" you asked, walking backwards to face them.

Mina looked at you. "How can you laugh right now?! Look at the state of all of us!"

You winked at her. "It's a gift. And so what? We're not dead and there probably will be times when we look waaaaay worse in the future, right? So what we're right now is nothing!"

The others just sweat dropped at your enthusiasm.

"You did way better than I thought you would with my dirt monsters," Pixie Bob complimented. "Especially you five! You must have a lot of experience." She pointed at you, Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou.

You let your smile drop, thinking about your past 'experience'. You nodded. "Yeah. Guess so."

As Pixie Bob ran around the boys, you inched away to safety. Midoriya also asked about the very Bakugou's-attitude-ish looking kid.

Mandalay introduced him as her cousin, Kota.

The boy just stared at all of you judgmentally.

"Hi there, my name is Midoriya and I'm from the U.A high's hero course, it's nice to meet you," Midoriya said friendlily, going up to the boy.

With no hesitation, the boy punched Midoriya in between his legs and walked away. "The last thing I want is to hang with some wanna-be heroes!" he declared.

Your eyes widened. Wow... you replayed the sentence in your head. Although... 'hang with'... Pffff- Hanging! He doesn't want to die with us!

"He's like a mini-version of you," Todoroki commented to Bakugou from beside you. You nodded along.

"What are you talking about?!" Bakugou asked, the soft smile dropping. You inched away again to avoid getting yelled at. It wasn't pleasant.

"Enough playing around, get your stuff off the bus. Once you've unpacked in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that you can bathe and then sleep. Tomorrow, your training starts early. You better get a move on," Aizawa said, making multiple people groan.

Not you, though. Though you weren't as enthusiastic as before, your mind was thinking about the food you were about to have soon.


After dinner, it was bathing time. Lucky for you, you were the first to get in so you managed to avoid any awkwardness. You let the warm water soak into your wings, relaxing your entire body and making some of the new and some of the reopened wounds hurt slightly. But the places with burn scars were numb.

Dabi's flames really are strong... No surprise he looks like bacon. So I guess he is almost numb to any physical contact. Because I know, burns of that sort are so bad that any nerves are gone from that area.

"Hey, Y/n," Mina greeted, hopping in.

"Hey," you said monotonously.

"What's wrong?" Momo asked, joining you and Mina along with all the others. "You sound dull."

"Just... thinking I guess," you said, staring off into the distance.

"Ooh is it a boy?" Mina asked.

I mean Dabi is from male species. "Technically, yes. But not in the way you think."

"Who is iiit?" Mina squealed.

"I think you could say it's somebody I used to know."

Silence ensued.

"So what have you guys been up to? Y'know, besides the harsh training," you changed the topic, turning back to being - overly - enthusiastic.


"If you really want to be a hero, learn to be a good human first," came Kota's voice from on the wall and then Mineta's scream.

You sighed, giving up on having a normal evening. "Well whatever. I'll be heading off to sleep now, have fun!"


You were laying on your futon. It was late at night and the others had also arrived a long time ago but you couldn't sleep.

You had the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something wasn't right. You eyed the clock. 3a.m., the training would start in 2 and a half hours, breakfast in 2. You sighed and sat up, accepting that you won't be having sleep.

Lucky for you, you ran on little to no sleep in the League all the time so it wasn't going to be hard staying up the next day. You quietly rose to your feet and put on some comfy clothes before going outside and looking up at the night sky, pocketing your hands and breathing in the fresh air.

Stars twinkled at you comfortingly. You loved the stars and moon, they were always there.

You sat down and closed your eyes to rest.


The sun was slowly starting to rise when you opened your eyes again. You had managed to be somewhat half-asleep for about 1,5 hours and that was enough to get by for you. Sighing, you went inside to change into your gym uniform.


"Good morning, class. Today we will begin the training camp that will increase your strength," Aizawa told the more or less exhausted students. 

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