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"Yes!" you cheered.

"How was your extra break, Y/n?" Todoroki asked.

"Good, thanks, Todoroki. I helped Keigo patrol a few times and just chilled. What about you?" you answered, taking your English stuff out.

"I visited mom at the hospital," he said simply.

"Okay," you nodded.

"AAAAAARE YOU READDDDDYYYYYYYYYY FOOOOOOOOR English?" Mic boomed, coming into the classroom.

Everyone just collectively sighed.


Hero basic training.

"Today, you'll form teams and have to find the item assigned to your team from the fake city," Aizawa instructed boredly. "They will be hidden in difficultly approachable places. Wins the team that is fastest and causes least damage. There will be 7 three person teams. When you find your team, go to your starting place and wait. The thing assigned to you will be written near the flag. Come draw the lots."

You walked to the bag and put your hand in. The paper you drew out was yellow.

"Who else has yellow?" you yelled.

"I do," Jirou said, striding near you boredly.

"And me," Kaminari added. "We'll totally win this, your quirk is perfect for it, Y/n!"

"Yeah," you nodded. "Now let's go to the starting point with the yellow flag."


"Where's our assigned thing written?" Kaminari asked. "I don't see it anywhere."

"Me neither," Jirou agreed. "Y/n?"

"Oh, what? Uhh," you zoned back in.

"The signed thing we have to find?" Jirou reminded.

"No clue," you shrugged. "But it must be something only we can see. Which means to see it you have to be here at this spot."

"Or maybe that spot," Kaminari said, pointing at a spot in the ground. "It has an x on it."

"That's genius!" you exclaimed. "Let's see."

You stood on the x and looked around. "Nothing," you shrugged. "You guys?"

"Nope," Jirou shrugged also.

"Nu-uh," Kaminari agreed.


You quickly looked around. "None of the teams are moving. We could still win this."

"Yes, but what's the clue?!" Kaminari yelled.

"Calm down," you sighed. "We just have to think more."

"Not that he would be capable of doing that," Jirou muttered.

"Hey! I'll have you know that I'm actually pretty smart!" Kaminari argued.

You sighed, sitting down. Married couple.

You dragged your hand on the cement out of boredom, watching as your gloves got dusty.

"Wait," you muttered, starting to move your hand more rapidly, getting the dust away. You sat back a bit, looking at the carved word on the ground. "Guys."

They didn't hear you.

"Guys!" They stopped and looked at you. "I found it. It wasn't an x. Well, it was but it was inside a word. There was just so much dust on it and considering no one else is moving yet, the dust was intentional."

"Axe," Jirou sighed in disappointment, "we're looking for an axe."

"Yup," you confirmed. "Let's do it."


"I can't find it. Jirou?" you asked, retrieving back your feathers. "All I know is that it's in a closed off area because I can't sense it."

"I think I hear something that could be it," she said. "It's a long shot though."

"It's all we have," Kaminari shrugged. "Lead the way."


You were running through the city now, towards where Jirou had found the axe.

"Is it like in somewhere orrrr...?" you trailed off.

"Yeah. It's in a house in a cupboard in a box in a mug," Jirou said shortly.

"What?" you and Kaminari chorused.

"In a house in a cupboard in a box in a mug. It's an earring-sized axe," she sighed. "Like seriously, are you two dumb?"

"No. I just didn't expect it to be earring-sized," you reasoned. "Can't speak for him though."



"Here, I got it!" you yelled happily. "Now let's head back."

"I'm afraid that could be a bit difficult," came Kaminari's voice from the door.

"What is it- Oh, you've got to be joking!"

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now