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"Now," said Aizawa, lifting Principal Nezu out of his scarf and trotting closer. "Combat."

"Will I be fighting you? Y/n asked.

"I have better experience in close combat than anyone here," Aizawa said, "No offense."

"None taken," the other three chorused.

"Alright, start," Midnight shrugged.

So much for a warning. Although I can't say I'm not used to unexpected attacks.

Y/n zipped up into the air, and started flying around Aizawa in circles, puffing her feathers out so they started emitting the fog. Suddenly Aizawa's scarf flew out of the fog directly towards her and she dove out of the way with a yelp.

She managed to soften her impact with the ground but it still was enough of a thud for Aizawa to hear her and charge again with his scarf.

Y/n dodged, being as light on her feet as possible and rising way above the ground in the process. She sent about ten feathers into the fog to distract Aizawa and it worked. Well sort of. Aizawa's scarf had touched one of them and the girl winced at the slightly painful impact, careful not to make any sound that would give away her place on the battlefield.

Alrighty, better end this now before it gets out of hand, she thought and charged at Aizawa, knocking him off balance and sending all ten feathers to pin him down while making the fog dissipate, making the girl's vision slightly foggy.

But much to her surprise, when the fog was gone, the man on the ground had given up on struggling and sighed, looking up at her with a smile.

"Congrats kid, you win. I've got to admit, your feathers are very strong," he said as Y/n cautiously retrieved the feathers. "You have a pretty good fighting style, although you have to know that in some situations, you won't be able to rely on your quirk and then what you can do is physical combat."

He analysed and she nodded. "Also gotta push my limits more. I can't have my vision fogging up so early."

"Great self-criticism. But be proud of yourself. You just took down a pro," Midnight praised from the sidelines.

"Thanks," Y/n smirked. "Guess it's great I decided not to join the league."

The others eyed her worriedly but nodded nevertheless.

2nd person P.O.V

"What time is it anyway? I'm starving," you said, stretching your hands over your head.

"You slept a bit over lunch so it's almost dinner time now," Aizawa said. Wonder how she wasn't hungry earlier.

"Yeah, dinner sounds great about now," you nodded your head. You took notice of the ways you went to get back to school, making sure to memorise everything. "So how much of the school did I miss?"

"Not a lot, actually," Aizawa said.

"Awesome, I won't be too behind," you smiled cheerily. "What's for dinner?"

"You can take something from the fridge. In other words - whatever you can find," Midnight answered.

Chickennnn! You yelled in your head. You had gotten that a few times when you were in the league and it was absolutely delicious.


As you warmed up your chicken in the microwave, Midnight eyed you skeptically.

"Isn't that cannibalism?" she asked.

You glanced at her and then back at the microwave. "No, not really. I'm not technically a bird and even if you want to count me as one, birds eat other birds so it's fine."

She nodded. "Fair explanation. You've really thought this through haven't you?"

You chuckled. "I have." The League really wasn't satisfied with the answer 'I don't care.' Although I seriously don't. Chicken is good.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora