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"I know. But we still can't be a hundred percent sure until we've either got the files or when we've talked to Hawks about it. Besides, it would be smart to first talk to principal Nezu, then to Hawks and only when we're absolutely sure that he's her brother, we'll tell her. She doesn't need to be wrapped up in more problems or confusion than she already is," Aizawa said in his usual bored voice, earning two nods of agreement from his coworkers.

You bit the end of the pencil and looked down at your costume sketch. [That's what I imagine, change it if you'd like :)] It consisted of a white turtleneck shirt, black cargo jeans with an utility belt, black boots and a jacket that matched your hair color. The jacket was really fluffy on the inside and lined with white fur. The collar of the jacket reached as high as your chin and the jacket would fit you just right, the collar widening a bit. Of course, the jacket had pockets on both inside and outside. And it also had a zip if needed but you didn't think you were going to use that for fashion reasons. But if you did, the furry outline would cover it completely.

Of course, you had a visor and a pair of headphones to protect your ears from wind pressure. The headphones were white and included a earpiece sort of thing and your visor (very light grey) included a camera and little transparent screens on both sides, which could portray information on anything you wanted. But that also made you need an AI of sorts, who you decided to name Bee. You personally thought bees were cute.

To finish it off you had a pair of black gloves that reached until your elbow, making sure you weren't cold up in the air.

You furrowed your eyebrows. That seems too... good? Or professional? I'm gonna ask Uncle Mic, he's a pro after all.

"Hey, Uncle Mic," you said once you stood up and made your way over to him. He was enjoying his free time reading a newspaper.

"What's up, kiddo?" he smiled at you.

"Could you please look over my costume design for me? I personally think it's pretty great but I'd like a grown-up's opinion. After all, I could still have a bit of childish or naive opinions on stuff," you explained, handing him the paper with specific description and a drawing.

You sat on the cushion next to him and as he read over the paper, you anxiously twitched your feathers, a smile still present on your face and demeanor laid back. Although that was all an act, you would've bounced your leg but settled on twitching the smaller feathers in your wings instead, since it wasn't as obvious.

"I-" you started to ease yourself but Present Mic cut you off.

"I'll be a monkey's uncle!" he exclaimed, turning to look at you, seemingly baffled. "Did you really make this all up yourself?"

"Sort of. I had some inspiration from what glances I got to the TV back in the League. I once got a glance of a hero and one other time we had a movie playing in the background while we played board games," you explained with a smile.

"You played board games?" he asked.

You nodded. "They may be bad but they're humans too. I'm not defending their actions or anything but really, what did you expect them to do in their free time?"

"I don't know... Plot something?" he asked, a bit confused. [Sorry, Mic. They aren't writers ;)]

You chuckled a bit. "It's like saying all heroes do in their free time is chase villains. You guys have personal lives too and so do they. But what label you get depends on what you show to society. Same actually goes for personalities."

"I guess you're right about that," he wondered. "Back to the costume. Shota, Nemuri, come look at what Y/n did!"

Your gaze shot to the ground in embarrassment but you still smiled. They cared about you. They really did.

"That's pretty amazing, I've got to admit," Aizawa said as he took a look at the paper.

"I agree! Although it doesn't show off your figure much," Midnight commented.

"Yes. But skin tight suits are not practical high up in the air. They don't keep you as warm and have less room for secret pockets," you grinned. "And they can get pretty uncomfortable for me if I don't have enough room to move my wings."

"That makes sense," Midnight nodded. "But how are you gonna get the boys then?"

"Alrighty, I'll take this to the support course. It's not too big of a work for them so it should be ready by tomorrow," Aizawa said, giving Midnight a slight glare.

You smiled wider. "Thank you Mr. Aizawa."

A smile ghosted his lips as he turned away.

You sat down in a beanbag in front of a big window and looked outside.

"So what are you planning to do with the rest of your day, Y/n?" Midnight asked, coming to stand next to you.

You smiled softly. "Probably stare blankly into nothingness while my mind keeps telling me negative stuff for about an hour. Then try to convince myself that's not true for half an hour. Then eat my feelings along with some food. Preferably ice cream. Train. Eat again and go to sleep."

Midnight looked at you. "Are you... okay?"

"Mentally or physically?"


"On a relative or an absolute scale?"


You chuckled, looking up at her. "I'm just joking, don't worry. To be honest I was actually planning on reading. Does this school have a library?"

Midnight smiled at you. "Yeah. I can take you there if you want to."

"I'd really like that, thanks," you said and stood up.

"So," you started when you were walking down the hallway. "I don't know what I can call you yet. I call Uncle Mic Uncle Mic and Mr. Aizawa Mr Aizawa so what can I call you?" You asked the woman walking beside you, a bit awkward about having to ask stuff like that.

"Call me Aunt Nemuri. I've always wanted a niece so it's okay with me, don't worry," she smiled at you warmly.

You sent one genuine smile back. The smiles you put on were more like rather cocky smirks to go with your laid back attitude. But when you were alone your mind was always working and you were always alert. Some might call you paranoid but you were just careful while enjoying your life to the fullest. "Thank you."

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