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"Hey, Junior."

Oh crap, this is not good, not good, not good.

You looked at Dabi. "Sup?"

"Here's the deal. You can come with me. Or you can look there," he pointed to your right. "And watch your classmate and everyone else in the shop decay."

You made a quick decision. You had escaped once, you could do it the second time too. "Fine. But if Shigaraki doesn't come now then we'll have a problem."

He smiled. "Don't worry about it." He fished an obviously burner phone out of his pocket and called Shigaraki.

In a minute, the man next to Midoriya stood up and walked towards you.

"Nice to see you again, Y/n," Shigaraki said.

You blinked at him. "Wish I could say the same."

He glared at you. "Let's go. Kurogiri's ready to pick us up in an alley."

Although you didn't show it, you were afraid. The memories of your past that you had managed to repress started to surface again. Just the mere presence of them scared you.

They were also around you in the U.S.J attack, yes. But then you had your classmates to depend on and thousands of people's lives weren't on the line. Your heart was pounding in your ears but your face was blank.

You mentally slapped yourself. Think, Y/n! Midoriya is probably getting police right now so all I need is to buy a bit of time.

Sneakily, you sent out a feather. You felt Dabi's flames near your wings a second after.

"Don't try anything," he warned.

Where's the electrical centre! Blackout should do the trick, [I know the mall was with an open sky and stuff but please go with this.] you mentally panicked but managed to switch off the eternity of electricity.

Your kidnappers stopped for a second and you knew that if you waited any longer, Dabi would make light.

So you knocked both of them in the back of their knees and flew up to the bridge, rushing into a shop in the span of a few seconds. Due to your bird-like traits, you saw well in the dark too. And of course your wings helped.

When you knew you were safe, you switched electricity back on and saw everyone go on as usual in a short span of time.

You leaned against a wall and panted for air, suppressing the tears and fear. When you could again properly breathe, you carefully made your way to your class' gathering place only for the mall to be shut down.

Midoriya was taken for questioning but since no one knew about your encounter, you went straight home.

In the teachers' lounge, you were greeted by Mic, Midnight and Aizawa having a conversation.

"Hi," you greeted briefly, carefully keeping your voice from cracking.

The grown-ups understood something was wrong right away but didn't have time to say anything since you went to your room and shut the door, dropping the shopping bags to the ground.

After that, all the walls came down. Tears started falling from your eyes, not stopping even if you wanted to. You cried out of fear and anger.

You were WEAK! You were A COWARD! ['I was a coward! I was weak! I couldn't kill a dragon.']You shouldn't have that kind of reaction after coming face-to-face with a couple of villains! You want to be a hero for goodness' sake!

You wanted to punch something. But you couldn't. You also couldn't scream because that would cause commotion.

So all you could do was sit down on your bed and scratch the backs of your hands, digging your fingernails into your skin, trying to turn the emotions off. You winced as you drew blood from your own hand and cursed slightly.

One last time, you pressed two fingernails into the back of your thumb, finally getting your emotions to shut down. Your entire body relaxed as you let out a breath, brain going numb and your hands stinging from pain.

You knew you had to talk about it. That's why you left the room. You knew someone at least would make conversation addressing your odd behaviour.

You ran your hands under the cold water and turned to the three grown-ups still in the room.

"Anyone want some calming jasmine tea or is it just me?"

"I'll take some," Mic said oddly quietly.

"You want to talk about it?" Midnight offered.

"Thank you, aunt Nemuri, but maybe later? It's fine anyway, I probably overreacted. Besides, I'm still pretty much on the verge of breaking down," you said calmly, continuing to make tea.

"Hey," Aizawa said. "It's fine to break down, you know? It's fine to show emotions. If it makes you feel better then I can assure you that everyone else is out due to the event at the mall-" he paused. "Something happened at the mall, right?"

You nodded as you took a seat, waiting for the water to boil.

"You probably know but Shigaraki was there," you said slowly, keeping your hands ready to turn any emotions off.

"Yeah. He talked to Midoriya," Mic said.

You frowned a bit. "That was a distraction."

The grown-ups' eyes widened. "Dabi was there too. They were after me."

You saw that Aizawa wanted to say something, but kept his mouth shut.

"Shigaraki was there to kill anyone and everyone if I didn't agree to go with them. Dabi was there to give me this information."

The water was boiled ready and you gladly took the opportunity to face away from the grown-ups.

"So I agreed. I had no other choice. Luckily, I managed to make an electrical shortage and get away. But it was barely. Had I sent out the feather a fraction of a second later, it would've been burned by Dabi. I was lucky I managed to think faster than them."

You took the mugs and carried them to the table.

"But it was still so close," the tears brimmed your eyes again. "I know it's stupid to cry about it. I'm sorry."

Aizawa hugged you from the side. "It's fine to cry about things like that. But you're safe now. You were brave and saved many lives tonight. We're proud of you."

You smiled gratefully, digging your nails into the back of your thumb for a brief moment to not cry. "Thank you."

You all sipped your tea in silence.

"Anyone wanna play some board games?" you asked, changing the topic.

"Yeah! Let's play Dixit!" Mic agreed happily.


When it was time to head to bed, you said your good nights and went to your room. There, the events of the day which you had forgotten for a brief blessing moment, came back.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now