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"Good morning, class. Today we will begin the training camp that will increase your strength," Aizawa told the more or less exhausted students.

Your task for the camp consisted of many things, but was still pretty simple: keeping the fog up longer with no drawbacks, making and destroying more things without drawbacks (you would start with smaller things), making the distance of feather control longer and staying up in the air.

You were going to focus on the last two during the day. Your feather-control distance was pretty small, considering you never really had room to make it better before escaping. Staying up in the air was easy enough so your goal was to stay up in the air the whole day, even when going to eat.

That meant constant training for your wings and stamina so you were okay with it. Your goal for the end of the week on feather-control terms was also pretty simple - being able to reach the mountain you made your bus-break at, still extremely aware of your surroundings.

You started with letting the feather go as far as possible and then retrieving it, sending another feather to go a meter further while doing so. All the while - you were going to stay up in the air.

Some of the others seemed to really struggle with their challenges so you considered yourself lucky.


Between lunch and dinner, the little sleep started to slowly take a toll on your focus and stamina, your wings constantly stopped flapping and your feathers didn't make it too far without dropping down limply.

"Y/n," Aizawa called. "Come down, we need to have a talk."

You gulped, this was what you were trying to avoid the whole time.

"Yeah?" you asked, still hovering above the ground.

"Did you sleep?"

Straight to the point, huh? "No, not really. Sorry, dad."

"Why?" he asked, concern going over his face.

"I couldn't. I kept having this feeling that something was off. Also every time I closed my eyes, I would keep having memories from the League flash before my eyes. I don't understand why - they don't know we're here so it doesn't make any sense. I've run on no sleep for far longer though so I thought it would be okay but I guess I didn't really consider the fact that I was going to have to keep my wings working for a whole day. I sort of forgot about it," you said, stopping to catch your breath after that.

He nodded. "Okay, I understand. But try to avoid stunts like that in the future, training is harsh and you are no exception. But notify me when it gets worse, there's no need for you to fall from the sky due to exhaustion on the 2nd day."

"Thank you," you nodded, starting to slowly rise up again.

"Be careful," he said, the fatherly side coming out.

You nodded before stopping in the air, around 20 meters above the ground. You were that high so you didn't accidentally land out of habit or something of that sort.


As you reached the dining area, you dropped down to the ground for the first time in a whole day, stumbling a bit.

"Hey! You good?" Bakugou asked you, holding your shoulder to keep you up since he was the closest to you.

You smiled tiredly. "Yep. Just not used to walking."

Then you all moved to make curry. Your task was to supply everyone with what they needed since your feathers were perfect for that.

So you just stood to the side, controlling almost all your feathers to help out your peers.

"How are you doing? You look even more tired than before," Aizawa asked, coming to stand beside you.

You laughed lightly. "I'm fairly good actually. It's great to know that I won't have any problems falling asleep tonight. The only problem is keeping myself from collapsing before I reach my futon."

He nodded. "You did good, you know? You stayed strong even when your body was forcing you to give up."

"That skill will only be beneficial in the future, right?" you asked with a smile.

"Yeah. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, dad," you smiled wider. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," you said right after, sending a few more feathers to carry an especially heavy box that around five people would need to carry if it wasn't for you. How did they even get this here?


You tiredly ate the food, not awake enough to mind the taste or focus on any of the talk around you.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki asked softly, waking you from your blank mind.

"Yeah, just really tired," you nodded.

"Okay. Make sure to sleep tonight," he said before resuming eating himself.


It was the next morning and you were better rested than ever. After the basically all-nighter before, you managed to fall asleep the minute your head touched the pillow.

Before you knew it, you were back to training. Today was all about keeping your fog up while also making little items out of it and after you had made a bunch, you told Bakugou to destroy them all at once.

It was actually pretty fun. And your pain tolerance also rose a lot. The base of your wings also didn't bleed because the destroying started with 1, then 2, then 4, then 8, then 16, then 32, then 64, then 128 and so on.

The fun part was seeing Bakugou's irritated face when he couldn't find where they were inside the fog. You - of course - retreated the fog just enough for him to see (after having a bit of fun watching Bakugou rage).

In exchange, you made the little stone-like things extra hard to destroy so Bakugou could also improve his quirk through helping you.


The same evening and you were about to play a game against class B. You were super excited for the time you could be one of the scarers.

I could make it super foggy but not enough for them to see absolutely nothing and I could make feathers make noise and-

You got your number. It was 8.

"Hey, Midoriya! You're also eight, right?" you asked.

"Yeah. I was scared I'd be alone for a second," he said nervously.

You laughed. "Nah, I'm with ya."


Is that flames? It's blue flames... Oh no, oh no, oh no. What do I doooooo? Yes! I got it!

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