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Everyone looked distraught. Kirishima looked at the ground, thinking. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I should've been there. Dang it Eijiro, don't cry! Yes, you lost two of your best friends but they wouldn't want you to cry!

Your head was aching badly. It hurt to even open your eyes and you couldn't think straight.

Slowly, you got control of your condition and opened your eyes, starting to register oh so familiar voices.

You put your head up to realise that you were tied to a chair and Bakugou was right next to you. He had a quirk-resistant cage on his hands and on further observation, you had the same sort of thing on your wings.

You sighed.

"Oh, Y/n, glad to see you awake," Shigaraki said.

You stared at him. I would much rather be dead. Wait no- scratch that, it would make Keigo and dad too sad. And Kirishima and Todoroki and Shinsou...Your brows were increasingly furrowing as you thought. Snap out of it! You shook your head and concentrated on the situation at hand again.

Bakugou was oddly silent beside you but you knew he was awake.

"Sup," you said, masking any traces of fear. "How long was I out?"

"That's all you have to say?" Bakugou growled.

You closed your eyes, thinking for a bit. Though your wings were caged, you could make out something from outside due to your quirk still partly working, being used to resisting the cage's power.

"Actually no, I want to go to the carnival a few streets down."

Shigaraki sighed, you knew you had interrupted a speech. "Dabi, let them go."

"You know they'll just fight," Dabi said, eyeing you two.

"It's fine. We're recruiting them so we should treat them as equals," Shigaraki said.

You smirked.

"Besides, they're smart enough to know they can't take us all, right?"

You chuckled darkly in your head. Nope. If I think about it from your perspective then I would call myself pretty dumb.

"After all, U.A students are so clever," he continued.

It's not like you would know, you never went there.

"Hey, Twice. You do it," Dabi wanted to get out of the burden.

You laughed. "What? Are you - a grown man - scared of us - teenagers?" [Teenagers scare, the living shit out of me~ lol]

Twice denied Dabi's request.

"Do it," Dabi said, doing his best to ignore your comment.

"Aww man," Twice whined.

As soon as you two got out, Bakugou charged at Shigaraki, interrupting his speech.

"Come on, Junior. You know you want to join us," Dabi said from beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder like he used to when he was giving you pep talks before the labor sessions.

You looked around. These people had been your family for the majority of your life. No I don't! They hurt me...

But what if they only hurt me because All For One told them to... Maybe I overreacted at that time. Maybe they really do want to make me stronger and I just overreacted due to them readying me for the future. I heard it's the same with normal teens... After all, Tomura was like a brother to me before all that happened. Maybe I do belong here...

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