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"Very," Kaminari smiled, already munching on the candied almonds. You rolled your eyes, taking some for yourself as you focused on the movie... again.

The movie had ended some minutes ago and everyone had collectively finished cleaning up the common room. So all that was left before you could go upstairs to your room, was to take the projection down from the wall.

As soon as you touched the wall, you felt static electricity buzz through your arm and saw a jot of f/c glow go up your arm.

You sighed. Instincts, please take over.

It didn't happen.

"So," you muttered, retracting your hand from the wall, a glowing string attached to it. "If I do this," you opened your palm as wide as you could, "it's like vacuuming it in, oh here it comes aaaand bam!" you abruptly closed your palm as the last of it went into your hand. "Coolio."

As you turned around to walk to Shinso, who was waiting near the elevator doors, you got hit by a truck of headache, especially bad behind your eyes. You clicked your tongue. "That's what you get for overusing your new quirk right away, Y/n."

You sighed as you reached Shinso and rubbed your head. "Stupid drawback headache," you muttered, stepping in the elevator.

He just looked at you for a second before speaking. "Due to staying up all the time, I get bad headaches often. I know really good medicine for it, do you want me to lend you some? Just so you could not suffer until you get to buy your own."

You smiled a bit, stepping off the elevator. "That would be nice, thank you, Hitoshi."

"All right," he nodded, "I'll bring it to your room in a minute."


You opened your door to the knock. Shinso stood there with a sheet of around three pills in his hand. "Just swallow one and it should do the trick in around ten minutes."

"Thank you, Hitoshi, really," you said, taking the sheet from him and placing it on top of your desk. You turned around and looked at him. "I mean it. Now good night, I hope you can get some sleep."

He smiled softly. "I hope so too... Uhh," he opened his arms awkwardly, "can I get a hug?"

"Of course!" you beamed, hugging him. "Good night, you Dork."

He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head. "Good night, Doofus."

With that, he left, leaving you to close the door and feel blood rush to your cheeks. What is up with me? Eh, it's probably the embarrassment or the fact that I'm not used to affection.

You swallowed the pill. Who am I kidding? I probably have a crush on him.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now