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"Keigo, we've been over this!" you responded with an exasperated voice.

"This is where the last person who went missing lived," Keigo pointed out, landing in front of the house with you right behind him.

"Looks like a house of a scientist. It's pretty technically advanced," you remarked.

He nodded. "I doubt they killed the person or took their quirk. They're probably using them to do some crazy-science-Nomu-stuff."

You hummed in agreement, stepping inside the house carefully and keeping your guard up. Both you and your brother sent out a feather to scout the house, just in case.

"I got nobody," you informed.

"Same here," he agreed and you two walked further into the house. "Police has already searched the house too so don't be surprised if we don't find much," he told you, looking around the fancy living room.

"Yeah, but..." you trailed off, looking at the window sill. It had burn marks all over it and the window looked different from every other window from the house. "Well, Dabi was here, that's for sure."

He turned around in a flash, coming to stand beside you. "What do you mean?"

"Those aren't ordinary burn marks, Kei. They're made by blue fire. Regular burn marks aren't as deep. And this window was broken and then replaced by another," you explained, pointing out everything you noticed. "Tell me, when was the person taken?"

"Hmm," he hummed, "A bit before you guys' extra break."

"So around the time I was with the League," you muttered quietly, deep in your thoughts. "Okay. I should be able to figure out who exactly was here. I'm sure it would help somehow."

He nodded. "Sure. You do your thing and I'll go look over the rest of the house. I'll be back in two minutes and then we can go back."

You hummed, not really listening to him. Come on! History, was it? Dabi. Dabi, Dabi, Dabi... I want to know the plans of this ambush. Your eyes glowed faintly f/c as you were sucked into the memories.

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now