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Ryoto also smiled, glancing at you. "And I did. Just not in the form you expected."

You cleaned the blood from your palm in the kitchen sink, Aizawa standing next to you, leaning his back on the counter. "I knew that quirk was familiar."

You smiled, shaking the water off your hands before starting to rub them with a towel. "So... he's your brother?"

"Yeah," Aizawa smiled slightly. "He was the best brother, similar to you and Hawks a bit. But then he had to go on that mission 13 years ago. He was 21, I was 17. He died on that mission despite the promise that he would come back. I guess the League had something to do with it and took his blood with the quirk genes and put them into you."

"Yeah," you nodded, facing him. "But after all, he did come back, didn't he?"

"I guess he did," Aizawa sighed, pushing his back off of the kitchen counter and turning to you. "Thank you."

"It's no problem," you grinned, hugging him. After a few seconds, you let go and yawned. "It's been a long day so I'll head to bed now. G'night, dad."

You walked out of the kitchen and Hitoshi stood up from the sofa, giving you a smile. "Hey. I waited for you."

"Thank you," you chuckled, walking to the elevator with him.

The elevator ride up to the fourth floor was silent and you two stepped out of the elevator and took the course for your room.

Stopping in front of your room, you turned around. "Thanks for walking with me, Hitoshi," you smiled tiredly.

He gave you an equally tired smile back. "No problem." He hugged you. Pulling away, he gave you a quick kiss on the forehead. "Good night~"

You chuckled, blushing slightly. "Good night."

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now