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You looked through your wings just in case, making sure it wasn't a villain before opening your eyes and facing the boy around your age. "Hi."

The boy looked startled but nodded back at you. "Hi."

Awkward silence ensued and you looked at your drink. I'd literally do anything else right now, this is physically painful.

"Excuse me?" came a little voice from next to you, making you turn your head. The boy on the bench also glanced from the corner of his eye, following the situation.

You looked at the boy you had saved from falling earlier. "Hey, little buddy! What's up?" you asked with a friendly smile.

"Are you the person who stopped me from falling earlier? Your feathers look a lot like the ones that saved me," he said shyly.

"I am," you confirmed, waiting for what happens next.

The boy hugged you from the side, since you were sitting on the edge of the bench. He reached around your waist. "Thank you for saving me, I was really scared."

"No problem, kid. But be more careful next time, okay. I won't always be there to save ya!" you smiled happily, patting the boy's back.

"I will! Thank you again!" the boy said before running off to the playground again.

"So," the boy on the bench started, making you look at him. "You're a hero?"

Your brownish golden eyes stared right back into his purple ones before you answered. "No, I'm a student. I hope to be a hero one day though. What about you?"

"I actually want to be a hero too. I go to UA," he said quietly, almost ashamed.

"Really? Me too! What class are you in?" you asked excitedly, seeing the opportunity to make a new friend just behind the corner.


"Oh. I go to 1A. I heard you can work your way up the classes though so if you really want to be a hero, I hope that you will be my classmate soon," you smiled.

"Really?" the purple-haired boy asked. "But if I told you my quirk?"

You took a sip of your drink and smirked. "Guess we'll have to find out."

"It's Brainwashing," he said quietly, waiting for your reaction.

Your eyes widened when you looked at him. "That's literally so cool! You look ordinary since your quirk doesn't physically affect you but then BAM you can just take the villains down without them suspecting you at all. That's really useful!"

He frowned. "You really think that? You don't think it's villainous?"

You smiled. "Not at all. The quirk is what you make it out to be. Control the quirk, don't let the quirk control you." You explained while finishing the drink and making a feather throw away your empty cup.

He nodded wordlessly.

You glanced at your phone clock and sighed through your nose. "Sorry, but I've got to get going now. I'll see you around, Bench Boy!"

And you were gone.

Bench Boy, he thought with a light chuckle. Two can play the game, Bench Wings. Though I really hope I'll see her around. She seems nice. Maybe I could make a... friend?

Dove (MHA/BNHA X OCish Reader)Where stories live. Discover now