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I thought we would talk, I thought we would be getting to know each other, but all Louis was doing was frowning on his phone screen the whole flight.

Fortunately it didn't take too long until we landed in Paris. It would be worse if we had to go to Japan.

He didn't hold my hand when we were landing which I quite understood. I wasn't that frightened anymore, there was no need to hold me, right?

We got off the board, walking into the room where we could pick up our luggages.

They were delayed, so I sat down into one of those chairs that were there.
Louis kept walking around the room nervously, calling someone while stealing few glances at me.

My omega was telling me he wasn't alright, something was bothering his mind.


We arrived to our hotel around nine.

"Good evening, I had booked a room under the name Tomlinson." he adressed the girl sitting at the reception.
"Good evening, wait a second please." wait... he said one room?
"Your room is under the number 289, here is your card. Enjoy your stay gentlemen." Louis smirked at her, taking the card.
"Thank you very much." he said before leading us both towards the elevator.

"Professor?" I whispered when we left the elevator.
"We have only one room?" I asked although I already knew.
He didn't answer, instead he said "Here" when he found the right door.

He unlocked them, getting inside. I followed him because what could I do after all?

I entered a huge, huge apartmá.
My eyes widened when I saw the queen sized bed in the middle of it.

I heard the door close and when I turned around my eyes laid on Louis who was approaching me.

"It's cheaper this way." he shrugged, his eyes never leaving mine.

He made few more steps towards me when his phone began to ring.

"Hello?" he answered it.

"Yeah, how are you? Haven't heard from you in quite some time, love. Yeah, we could meet, yeah. You are in London this week, mhm.
I can't wait to see you, but I need to go now.
I am in Paris yeah, took a student with me. Yeah, see you soon by-bye." and with that he hung up.

I was jealous as never. He called them love! And he probably just set a date for himself.
My last hopes for him to like me back were slowly leaving.

I didn't wait for him to look at me again, instead plopping down on the couch that was there. I will simply sleep here. I can't share a bed with him. He wouldn't like that anyways.

I should call mom, I reminded myself.
I grabbed my phone but in the end I ended up dialing different number.

"Hey Harreh!" Zayn screamed.
"Hey, stop screaming." I laughed.
While glancing at Louis who was just sitting down on his bed I got up and walked over to the bathroom door.
"So? How's it going?"
"Yeah, fine." who was I lying to?
"Hey? It doesn't seem like it." I walked in, locking myself there.

"He hadn't even spoken to me properly." I sat down on the floor.
"I am sorry. But Harry listen to me. You are the most funny, charming and sexy person I know. If I was into boys I would date you immediately." I smiled to myself.
"Thanks, but I am not that at all." I felt few tears forming in my eyes.
"You are in Paris, nobody knows you there. You can be who you want. What will happen in Paris will stay there, capiche?" I thought about his words and I had to agree. He was right.

"Don't give up on him. Go for it mate! I know there is potential." I chuckled.
"Yeah, thanks so much. I love you."
"I love you too." he said before we ended the call.

I texted my mom because I didn't feel like speaking and left the bathroom.

"Harry, wanna go out for a dinner?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to go alone. I have never been here." he smiled at me before taking some clothes from his suitcase to change into.

He dressed into lose pants and a sweater with letter L on it. He looked absolutely stunning.

So we left the hotel side by side, going through the night streets of Paris together.

We stopped at some bistro with Eiffel Tower on display.
There was no place to sit down so we ordered a baguette to go, walking closer to the Tower.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he asked me while chewing his food.
"Yes, it is." I wanted to tell him that nothing in the whole world could be more beautiful than him but I knew I couldn't.

I chewed silently on my food, having a conversation about what step should I take next in my head.

He led us even closer towards the tower.

I had to say it was pretty but not beautiful. Louis was beautiful.

If I just could have him the way I wanted to.

The rest of our walk was just a bit boring, nothing really happened. So when we came into our room we both showered, each one of us alone of course and went to bed.

Well, Louis went to bed and I lay down on the couch.

"Harry, why are you staying on the couch?" he asked when he made himself comfortable on the bed.
"I don't want to disturb your personal bubble."
"You wouldn't, really."
"I am good here, thank you." I really couldn't lie next to him.
"Alright then." he turned off the light.
I once again sniffed the air which was imbued with his wonderful scent, thanks to that I was sound asleep in no time.

The morning sun shone through the window into our room. I rubbed on my eyes while yawning and sitting up.

I had to look awful. I didn't want Louis to see me like this, even though I could still see his sleeping face I knew he could wake up any minute. I tippy toed to the bathroom carefully, stealing few glances on his sleeping face.

His lips were parted and his face was completely relaxed, what I would do to see this every morning.

I brushed my teeth, combed my wild curls, washed my face and just did my business, you know? Then I just sat back on the couch, waiting for my professor to wake up.

About an hour later he slowly stretched his body, getting from under the sheets.
"Good morning." I greeted, looking up from my phone.
"Good, you're already dressed?" he seemed surprised.
"Yes, I am quite an early bird so." I laughed.
"Good for you." he smiled, still looking tired.

"Let's get some breakfast, I love the Lactem café." Louis got everything ready for us to leave.
"Then we will go to the first day of the botanical event, ready?"
"Yes!" I responded.

Louis got us both some croissants and coffee. The café was really nice and the food was tasty.
"Good place to eat at." I took another bite from my croissant.
"Innit?" he smiled at me.

"Alright, we better get going.
Finish your breakfast Harry." he put his empty cup down, checking his phone while getting up.

I nodded, shoving the rest of my croissant into my mouth, helping it down with few last sips of my coffee.

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. If you did don't forget to vote or comment your opinion.

I hope you are all healthy and doing well. If not I wish for you to get well soon!

All the love!


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