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"Harry?" I could hear Zayn's voice spread through the room.
"I am here." I answered quietly.

"Harry, are you okay? What is going on?" I got up, unlocking the door of the stall I was in.

I still wasn't sure if I should tell him about it but I really needed someone to share it with right now and Zayn was my best friend.

"Could we get out of here first?" I wiped my cheeks with the sleeves of my sweater, trying to get rid of those last tears that were still there.

"Yeah, I took my things with me." he showed me his school bag.

We walked out of the school without anyone seeing us which was good. Or at least I thought no one had seen us leave.

"Do you want to go eat something or...?" Zayn asked when we were already standing in front of the building.

"I want to go home."

"Alright, let's get you home then." Zayn smiled sadly. I could see I was transferring my energy onto him. I didn't want that though. The last thing I wanted was to make Zayn feel bad.

I led Zayn into my room, closing the door behind us. I wasn't sure when mum could come home today so I rather didn't want to risk that much.

"About yesterday." I cleared my throat since the words weren't coming out of my throat properly.

"Mhm?" I joined Zayn on the bed.

"I am not sick or anything." I played with the sleeves of my sweater nervously.

"Well, that's good news, isn't it?" Zayn furrowed his brows in confusion because I didn't seem happy at all.

"It was because of something else."

"Okay? Because of what?"

"I was sick because I am expecting a baby." I felt like crying for the thousand time today.

"What?" Zayn chuckled, probably thinking I was joking.

When he saw that I wasn't smiling along with him he stopped.

"Wait, are you being serious?" his expression changed from amused into shocked.


"Oh my god, Hazza bear." he covered his face in his hands.

"Don't say anything ugly to me and please don't try to convince me to have an abortion." I shook my head violently.

"Wh- why would I do that?" he paused.
"Harry..." he said seriously "Whose baby are you pregnant with?" there goes nothing.

"Louis'." I don't want to cry again please! I don't even have enough tears to make that happen.

"What, how? You told me you-"

"I lied!" I interrupted him.

"I lied because he told me to not talk about it and I- I wouldn't if- this didn't happen." the tears began to leave my eyes once again today.


"It happened when we arrived from Paris. I got my heat in his car and he- he took me to his flat and we- we-" I sobbed loudly, my eyes red and puffy.

"Please Zayn don't leave!" I really needed him by my side right now.

"Hey, hey. Why would I ever leave such precious soul like you? Shh." he embraced me in tight hug.

"I- took two tests and both were positive. I-"

"Shh. Breathe for me, yeah? Can you do that?" he pulled away, encouraging me with one of his honest smiles.

"I can." I took a deep breath in and out, repeating that a couple of times until I was able to speak again.

"Just like that."

"I had spoken to him about it after our bio lesson and- he said that- he denied it was his at first and then when he admitted it could possibly be his he- told me to just have an abortion. He told me to go to the hospital and-" Zayn quit my mumbling.

"Hey, listen to me H. This is important." Zayn held my hands in his tightly.

"What do you want? It's your body and your life. What does Harry want?"

"I- I know you will think I am stupid but- I want to keep the baby." I looked at him in anticipation.

"You know that your life will change, right? You will have to take the responsibility for that little human." of course I knew that.

"I am an omega Zayn. I- I was born for this and I- I always knew I had very strong maternity instinct... " I answered.

"If you really want that and you are prepared to sacrifice something for it then-" I interrupted him.

"I am. I want to take care of them, I want to be a good parent for them. I just want that baby in my life so much. I want to see them grow up, to be there for them, to help them get back up when they fall down. " Zayn stared at me with weird grimace on his face.

"You really sound like my sister when she was pregnant." he smiled to lighten up the atmosphere.

"I am just worried about my mum's reaction, about other people's reaction..." my thoughts were unstoppable today.

"I am sure you will give your baby the world because I know you. I know how kind, gentle and patient you are, how you treat others..." Zayn was giving me hard time not to cry.

"Zayn." I wrapped my arms around him, smiling through the tears of both, happiness and sadness.

"I will be here with you through every step of it, but I think we should think of a way how to tell this to Anne first." he added.

"Give me some time please. I want to sleep in my bed at least one more night." my mum was always nice to me but... this was something completely new, something undiscovered.

"Oh my poor thing. If she kicks you out you will  stay with me. But I don't think Anne is the kind of person to do this to you." he shook his head in disagreement.

"I don't know Zee. We will think of a way how to tell her. I need to rest today, this day was draining." it wasn't even twelve o'clock yet.

"You are right, lie down! I will bring your laptop and some snacks. We will try to chill and forget about the world for a moment, yeah?" he suggested.

"That sounds great." I smiled before I laid myself down on my bed, pulling the duvet over myself, waiting for Zayn to come back.

He left around six in the evening because he had to take care of his sisters.

I was in the middle of eating my dinner, which contained of bread with jam, cucumber, blueberries and greek yogurt.

I was eating it in my bed while watching TEOTFW. It's been one of my favourite series for quite some time.

I wanted to click on another episode in the exactly same moment as I could hear the sound of our doorbell.

I got up, making my way towards the door. I thought it was mum but then it hit me like a bus.

Mum has keys so why would she ring the bell?

I just want to say few words about the previous chapter.

I didn't mean to hurt or trigger anyone, that wasn't my intention at all! It's a book so not everything will always match with my own opinions.

I definitely do not support pressuring anyone into anything they don't feel like doing!

Louis' actions were meant to represent his disoriented thinking, the shock and fear which had taken over his mind.

I hope I was able to explain it a bit here.

I am sorry if I hurt anyone, I didn't intend to!

Take care of yourselves beautiful people, sending you all warm hugs and kisses. \(^•^)/

Biology - A/B/O | l.s.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora