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I kept telling mysel I am ready for this but deeply inside I knew I wasn't. This was different than our first time which was driven by my heat.

"Louis." I whispered.

"Mhm?" his hand stopped on my hip.

"I am not-"

"That's okay." his hand moved up to my back, sliding up and down soothingly.

But I felt bad afterwards, even though I heard him say it was okay. I ruined this, haven't I?

It all just got too much I think.

"Louis? I want to go home." I got up from his chest.

"What? Right now?" he furrowed his brows at me.

I just nodded. Louis looked around himself in confusion before he left the couch, following me into his doorway.

It was all too much, too much... My head was full and I didn't want to be here anymore.

I needed my bed, only my bed.

Louis was obviously really confused.

When we were finally parking in front of the flathouse I gripped on the door handle, ready to open the door.

"Hey." Louis interrupted me from doing so.

I turned my head to the side to look at him. I just wanted to go.

"What's going on? I am worried about you." his eyes were telling me the same words as his mouth.

"I- need some time alone right now." I knew I needed time to process everything once again.

"Okay, call me later. Or just write a message. I just want to know you are okay." he said.

"Okay. See you." and with that I left his car, not looking back once. I felt his eyes on my back. I felt even worse than while I was at his flat.

I quickly ran up the stairs, entering the flat as quickly as possible, kicking my shoes off and running into the bathroom. I put my new clothes and whole image down, stepping into the shower.

I let the drops rain on me while I closed my eyes, trying to steady my breathing.

Everything just was too much. I will have a baby. My mother doesn't even know it yet! She might kick us out! Louis. Louis wants to be mates and to have a family. And I... I don't fucking know anymore.

I left the shower with tears on my face, wrapped in a towel, walking into my room where I put on some hoodie, boxers and sweats before I laid myself down under the sheets.
I felt blue. Everything felt blue.

Third's person POV

Louis drove back home with heavy feeling on his chest. He didn't know what happened. Harry was fine and then... he was worried he was the reason this happened. What if he really was?

Harry's POV

I was crying in my bed, not knowing who I even am anymore. What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't know, I don't fucking know!

Some time passed when someone entered the flat. I tried to keep quiet but I couldn't.

"Harry?" I heard my mother whisper from the doorway and then I saw her silhouette walking into my room.

"Baby?" she whispered worriedly.

"Hey." she said, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I wasn't able to speak and I didn't want to.

She grabbed my hand which was laying on the top of my duvet, squeezing it.

"It's okay." she whispered to calm me down.

"It's all going to be okay. Everything that seems bad in your head, it seems big and scary I know. It maybe seems like that but those things are much smaller in the reality." she looked at me and I nodded.

"Everything will be just as it should be, and eventually everything will be alright again." she leaned down to press a kiss on my forehead. I felt like I was that small boy again.

I calmed myself down a bit, trying to not cry as much. My mum let go of my hand and she got up from my bed too, leaving me by myself.

I closed my eyes, imagining those things much smaller than they actually were. It helped me and soon I only felt few restless tears coming from my eyes. My eyelids got heavy and then, then I fell sound asleep.

Third's person POV

While the younger of the boys calmed down finally for some time Louis kept worrying on the other side of the town. He kept checking his phone, worried that Harry wasn't okay. He was fighting the urge to call him, he wanted to do that ever since he arrived back home. Louis didn't feel good and nothing was helping him forget. He couldn't stop thinking about Harry and it was driving him insane.

After hours of Louis pacing the room, of breathing deeply to stay calm, of looking at his phone screen his phone finally went off.

He quickly picked it up to look at it. It was just  email from the school's headmaster, announcing something that he really didn't care about right now.

He put his phone away, sitting down on the ground in front of his terrace door, looking up at the dark sky, hoping Harry was maybe watching it with him right now. Maybe he was.

And what about Harry you might ask?

Harry turned around in his bed, his eyelids finally opening. He immediately saw the stars outside and the darkness around. He sat up, remembering what happened. He still wasn't feeling completely well but it was better.

He looked around his room, picking up his phone to see nothing new there. He pressed on Louis' contact, ready to press the green button but then he stopped his movements. Louis was probably doing something and he could disturb him. So instead of calling him he put the phone back down, walking into the kitchen to get himself some water.

Meanwhile Louis was still sitting on the ground, waiting for the younger boy to call. He kept sitting there for another hour, still worrying and waiting for something that would reassure him Harry was feeling better.

We haven't spoke since you went away
Comfortable silence is so overrated
Why won't you ever say what you want to say?
Even my phone misses your call, by the way...

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