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Louis took me to every single attraction that was here, I swear.

"I am gonna throw up." I rasped when we left the last roller coaster, feeling my insides flipping.

"It wasn't that bad, was it?" he asked me that question although I was already gagging few meters away from him.

I was throwing up on the grass that I previously ran to, because I really didn't want to throw up on the pavement and make everyone stare at me. No thanks, I needn't any attention of other people right now.

"Oh shit, I am sorry. No more rides for you." he let me do my business.

"Better?" Louis slided his hand up and down my back soothingly. I felt better and my stomach was probably finished.
"Yeah, I want something to drink please." I stood back up, walking away as quickly as I could, not wanting anyone's attention on me and what I left on the grass.

"Cola? I think it's the best for your stomach to settle down again." Louis looked at the things they were selling there.

"Please, yeah." and so Louis paid for a bottle of coke for both of us.

"Let's sit down, shall we?" Louis led me to a bench that was abandoned.

He was really nice to me, so caring. I wouldn't have problem with getting used to this.

We sat down, drinking in silence while staring on the people around us. I don't know what was wrong with me and my stomach. I ruined the fun.

"We should go back... to the hotel you know. It's late anyway." Louis got up from the bench first.
"Mhm, yeah." I agreed in the end, following Louis out.

I turned around multiple times to look at the amusement park, the colors, music and happy voices of people. I enjoyed it here so much. Even though I threw up it was fun... I loved to see how content Louis was.

I would like to stay for some more time but... I didn't want to go against my professor.

When we were in the uber that Louis hailed for us we were silent, which let me think about stuff that was bothering me.

"Are you alright?" Louis glanced at me with worry in his eyes.

"Yes, I am, everything is fine." I began to bounce my leg up and down from how anxious I was becoming.
"Hey." Louis put his hand on my thigh, squeezing it to stop those restless movements of mine.
"It's okay." I took my eyes to my professor's face just to see him go from worry into a frown.

What did I do wrong this time?

Two more days passed by and we were now leaving, sitting in the uber which was driving us to the airport in silence.

I was sad about coming back home, into that sad reality again.
And I was also sad because I knew that I didn't have chance with Louis.

How could I ever think he would even consider me as his potential love interest? I am a child. I am not of course, but in his eyes I still am.

I was staring outside, on how quickly the city was moving in front of my eyes while thinking about my life and how some things were just really fucked up.

My eyelids got heavy and then... I don't know what happened afterwards, I don't remember.

All I know is that I woke up with my head resting on... on Louis' shoulder.

When I realized what I had done I quickly took my head away from his shoulder.

"Sorry." I whispered timidly, hoping Louis wouldn't be too mad about it.
"It's okay." he chuckled in pure amusement.

We weren't talking to each other much at the airport, well, we haven't been talking to each other much the whole day.

"I will buy myself something to drink. Do you want me to grab you something as well?" Louis got up from his chair just with his black wallet in his hands.

"Oh, a Red Bull please?" I searched through my pocket for some money
"Energy drink? That's not too healthy." Louis arched his brow at me when I was about to give him the money.

"I- I know I-" I stuttered, panicking a little. It was just one Red Bull though, wasn't it?

"Don't worry. It's your choice. Which one would you like me to buy for you?" Louis grabbed the money from my hand eventually.

"The blueberry edition please. If they don't have blueberry then just take the classic one please." Louis nodded, turning around and disappearing into the shop.

I took out my phone in the meanwhile, ready to go through my Instagram and Twitter.

Twitter could be a very interesting place sometimes.

"Here." Louis came back with two blueberry Red Bull cans in his hands, handing one of them to me.

"Don't look at me like that, haven't had a Red Bull in ages." he smiled. I couldn't make myself look away, my eyes were still fixed on him, well, on his smile to be more specific.

"I am sorry." I shook my head when I realized I was gazing for way too long. I turned my attention to the drink in my hands instead, opening it and taking the first sip.

Louis did the same, licking his lips afterwards.

"Tastes still the same." he turned his head to the side to find my eyes already fixed on him.

All that Louis was able to do was stare. His eyes may and may not ticked to my lips.

They definitely didn't, I was just desperately trying to find a sign that he liked me back as much as I liked him, but he did not.

I was just imagining it to make myself feel better.

Hello, I am here with an update after quite some time...

I was on a skiing training the first week of January and I couldn't make myself finish this chapter. So here I am.

It will get better, I promise.

Sending you lots of love!


Biology - A/B/O | l.s.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora