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The pair was sleeping in their bed peacefully when suddenly the green eyed boy woke up.
It could be something around 3am.

Harry was feeling physically unwell. His joints were hurting, his whole body was shaking and he felt very cold.

He tried to hide himself underneath the duvet the best way he could but that didn't stop his teeth from chattering.

After some time of shivering and staring into the dark, he got up, walking into the kitchen. Well, he tried to walk. His legs trembled as he began to make his way towards the door.

He had one purpose, not waking up Louis.
Harry managed to get out of the bedroom without notice, walking through the hallway slowly.

He made his way into the kitchen, switching on the light.

The boy really needed a glass of water but he didn't know if he was capable of getting it.

Just when he was few steps away from the sink his head began to hurt and his legs gave out.

Louis awoke due to some sound coming from the kitchen.
He sprout up, noticing a dimmed light coming from the hallway.

"Harry!" he got out of the bed swiftly, making his way towards the light.

He found Harry in the kitchen, laying on the ground.

"Harry, what happened?" the alpha collapsed to his knees.

"I just w-wanted- water." his teeth chattered as he said that.

Louis immediately placed his hand over his forehead. It was exactly what he feared. Harry had a fever.

"Fuck." he knew there was no space for crying now, he had to take care of him.

"Come here. I will take you to bed." Louis picked Harry's small body into his arms, carrying him into the bedroom carefully.

He placed him down and covered him with the duvet all the way up to his chin.

"I will bring you some pill and water." Louis left, walking in the direction of the kitchen once again.

"How is this possible?" he whispered to himself. Harry was taking antibiotics for god's sake!
Louis knew he had to underestimate something.

He brought Harry some paracetamol and a glass of water as he required.

"Take this, it will help you." Louis gave him the pill. Harry complied and swallowed it straight away. The boy was so used to taking pills by now that he simply didn't care anymore.

"T-thanks." he laid back down, knowing he won't be able to fall asleep for some time.

Louis laid down next to him, not closing one eye.

"You need to sleep." Harry whispered in Louis' direction.
"No, right now I need to watch after my omega." Harry's heart fluttered but he couldn't show his emotions in any other way.

Louis pulled the boy closer towards him, hoping he could provide him at least a little bit more warmth.

"I w-won't fall asleep now. Y-you need energy for work, y-you need to sleep." Harry got out of himself.

"I am sure you will fall asleep soon."

"I really d-don't think so." Harry opposed.

"And if I read to you? Would that help you?" Louis asked.

"I don't know." the boy shrugged.

"Let me get a book." he got up, walking over to the cupboard.

Harry had a book there, Louis was aware of that. He had taken this one with him from home.

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