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I was sitting on the toilet, holding the test in my hands while waiting for the result.

I was bouncing my leg up and down from how nervous and restless I was becoming.

Okay, calm down Harry. It will be just fine. It would be the worst of luck if I got pregnant the first time that I had slept with someone.

I took a deep breath in and out before I looked down on the test.
As soon as my eyes landed on the middle of it I saw it. There wasn't one line, there was two of them.

"No." my skin went form pale to even paler.

I got up from the toilet seat, feeling the panic that was taking over me.
I threw the test away, taking the second one out of the box. This one should be a bit different. It was supposed to show you words, not lines, and it also cost more than the one I used previously.

Maybe was the first one wrong, right? It could be.

I repeated the whole process once again.

This time I wasn't even able to sit down. I put the test on the sink while I was pacing the room, my whole body covered in beads of sweat.

When I determined that I gave it enough time I came up to the sink, taking the test into my hands, my eyes never leaving the mirror.

"Okay. 3... 2... 1." I glanced down, staring at that thing I was holding in my hands blankly.

The pole was filled with one word and that was 'pregnant'.

"No, I- I can't be." I began to cry, the tears making it impossible for me to see properly now.

I threw all the wrappings away, not leaving anything suspicious in the bathroom, taking both of the tests with me into my bedroom.

I put them down on my bedside table, walking over to the mirror that I had on my wardrobe.

I was still dressed just in my boxers since I had no time to put anything on.

I looked on my stomach, turning around to take a look at myself from the side.

There was nothing to see of course. If I really was pregnant I was approximately through the first three weeks of my pregnancy.

I covered my face in my hands, letting all those emotions out, on the surface.

I will have to tell this to my mum at some point. She will be disappointed. What if she is going to kick me out?

And I will have to tell Louis about it... I should tell him about it.

I crawled onto my bed, tugging myself under the sheets, loud sobs still leaving my mouth.

I thought about the way how to announce this to Louis. What if he doesn't want a baby?

'Well... he most likely doesn't even want you, Harry.' I reminded myself.

I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying even more.

And then it happened... something flashed in front of my eyes.

It was black'n white and it seemed to be a memory... but there was a little problem there... that situation has never happened before.

I saw myself, I saw myself holding a little baby in my arms. I was caressing the baby's tiny hand while looking down at it's sleeping face.
The baby was so tiny. I would swear I saw Louis' feature's in it's face. When I looked at myself I could see my face was adorned by a soft smile.

I opened my eyes, the shock still obvious in my features. What the hell was that? Did I just see my future self?

What if this was my future with that little bean? What if this was my future daughter or son or whatever it will decides to be?

In that moment I realized I wouldn't be able to go on interruption, not after seeing this. My omega was telling me that the only right path to choose was to keep this baby. She knew fate had already planned it out for me that way.

But what about Louis, the father of our baby?

He is much older than me, he is stable... He has everything that he wishes for while I am still dependent on my mum, I am unstable and I can't even decide what the hell I want on top of my pizza.

I came into the school dressed up in oversized sweater the next day. I felt like everybody could see it on me. I don't know... I was probably just paranoid.

I couldn't close my eyes the whole night. I was making up theories about how Louis would handle this information. I knew I had to tell him about it as soon as possible, otherwise it would carry on eating me from the inside.

Also, I forgot to tell you... my mum came home really tired last night. I told her I wasn't well and that was the reason for me to leave school earlier.
She made sure I was okay and then she went to sleep.

"Hey bud, are you alright?" Zayn threw his bag on our desk.

"I am. How is your sister?" I looked up at him since I was already seated in my chair.

"She got gypsum after they made her go to X-ray."

"Poor thing, I hope it will get better soon. Say hi to her."

"I will." Zayn smiled.

"Did you find out what was the reason you threw up yesterday?" Zayn sat down as well.

"Ehm, I probably ate something bad."


"Mhm." I really hoped he couldn't see right through me and my lies.

The first class we happened to have today was biology.

I was super nervous about seeing him today because I knew I had to talk to him right after our bio lesson.

"Good morning class." he came in, looking as gorgeous as ever.

He dedicated his stare to me for few seconds, he had been doing it ever since we came back from Paris.

I couldn't concentrate on the lesson, all I was thinking about was the talk we both needed to share.

"Okay, pack your things, that's all for today. Alissa here is your phone. Don't play games during my lessons, thank you." he smiled at my classmate sarcastically, handing her back her phone.

I kept waiting until the classroom was empty before I came up to his desk.

He was checking the attendance and some other things on the computer. He wasn't even aware that someone was still here with him as I could see.

"Professor?" I announced my presence by clearing out my throat.

"Yes?" he took a look at me, his eyes widening when he realized it was me.

"Harry." he breathed out.

"I would like to tell you something." I whispered, my voice beginning to shake.

"Okay, go on." he encouraged me to continue, his voice full of confidence unlike mine.

"Not here. I would like to speak to you in private please."

Only my last three brain cells were working on this. I hope it does make sense though. I really wanted to finish this today since I am falling in love with this story more with every word.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a great night/day lovers!!!

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