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Harry opened his eyes to see the ceiling above. He tried to blink away the blur that was making it impossible for him to see sharply.

Suddenly he could feel a slight touch on his hand, which was resting on the top of his duvet at the moment.

He looked that way to see Louis' finger touching the back of his smaller hand, starting to trace it all over.

Harry turned his head to the side, finally being able to see better.

Louis was laying on his side, his hair ruffled and face tired, but he was already smiling at the younger one.

"Morning." he rasped.

But Harry couldn't make himself answer. He stared at Louis with empty expression.

Louis didn't like what he saw.
He reached out with his hand, briefly touching Harry's right cheek.

The boy didn't even twitch and his corners didn't raise up like they would do normally.

"Hey." Louis caressed his cheek before he decided to take his hand away.

"I think it's pretty late, I am gonna get up." Louis scrolled the covers off his body, standing up from the bed. As he walked over to their closet, he glanced at Harry to see him still laying on his back, just with that difference that he was staring at the ceiling once again.

Louis put his grey sweats and some white loose tshirt on.

"What would you like for breakfast?" he asked the younger one.

He didn't receive any response.
"Alright." he rubbed his hands against one another before he retreated into the kitchen.

Knowing it was bad, Louis went straight for his cigs. When he was about to leave to the balcony he changed his mind.

He decided against it in the end, putting the cigarettes back down.

Instead he walked into the kitchen, picking some recipe to make.
"Yeah!" he knew how much Harry loved this food.

He took some eggs out, flour, milk...

Yeah, he decided to make pancakes. He also bought a lot of fruit before he took Harry home, so he decided to put some berries on top.

Louis made Harry a plate with two beautiful pancakes, raspberry jam inside them and berries on top.

He took a tray out, putting his and Harry's plate on it as well as two glasses filled with water.

He then made his way into the bedroom because he was positive about Harry not leaving the bed.

He was right.

The boy was still just laying there, not moving a single limb.
Louis rested the tray on the bedside table, crawling closer towards the boy on the bed.

"Sun." he whispered near his ear.
"I made you some food. Pancakes are your favourite, aren't they?" Louis' voice was coming off so nicely. The alpha really just wanted to make his omega feel something, joy if possible.

"They are with raspberry jam and berries on top." Louis said next, trying to grab his attention.

The boy didn't even turn to look at him this time.

Louis was hopeless, he didn't know what to do anymore.

In the end he took the tray onto the bed with him, picking his plate into his hands. He was hungry after yesterday, so he digged in, although he felt bad for it, bad for his boy.

He finished his plate quickly, deciding to not give up on Harry.

"Let's eat something now, yeah?" Harry took his eyes to Louis, finally beginning to move.

Biology - A/B/O | l.s.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن