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We arrived to London too quickly in my opinion. I was becoming overwhelmed and all I wanted to do was cry.

Louis had probably noticed I was sad. He was stealing looks at me more often and I swear I could see him sniff my scent as well. I didn't know why though. Was something wrong with it? I brought the fabric of my clothes up to my nose, giving it a quick sniff in attempt to smell my own scent. It didn't work.

We put our luggage into the trunk of his car, both hopping inside.

I couldn't sit straight since we got in, I felt like I was sitting on needles.

I began to whimper from the discomfort I was feeling... but I noticed that wasn't all what was bothering me.
My underwear was becoming wet.


All of sudden Louis breathed in sharply, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

His scent was going stronger and much more distinctive, I could feel my inner omega slowly taking over me.

"Oh." I moaned.

My omega sensed Louis' state. He had strong will, other alphas would jump on the omega in heat in matter of few seconds.

"Please." I winced.

"I need- need to get you home." Louis spoke, but it seemed like the words he wanted to say were replaced by someone else's words. He was breathing in and out heavily, his voice puffy, the grip of his hands on the steering wheel unbelievably strong.

"Alpha." I squirmed in my seat once again, tilting my head to the side to look at Louis.

And then Louis made that fatal mistake, he took his eyes away from the road to glance at me.

All I wanted in that moment was his attention.

His lips were parted, his nostrils expanding and compressing, he was trying to get the most out of my scent.

His blue irises were darker than before and his facial features were tense.

Of course that he had to take his eyes back to the road eventually.

His foot stepped on the brakes of his car, his head tilting to the side to check no one was behind him before he turned tail and began to drive away in the opposite direction of where I lived.

I had never seen someone drive so fast in my entire life.

I could feel the slick forming, my underwear getting completely soaked in matter of few minutes.

"Fuck." Louis groaned, taking in another deep breath.

His scent was even thicker now, the air that was filling the car absolutely imbued with it.

"Help me." I arched my back, reaching down to squeeze the growing bulge in my pants.

The car suddenly stopped, the sound of squealing brakes following right after. Maybe it was the other way around... I had everything mixed into one huge blur.

Louis jumped out, slamming the door behind him, rushing over to my side and getting me out of the car in matter of seconds.

He picked me up into his arms, walking us into the apartment building in front of which he had previously parked his car.

"I'll help you." he groaned.
"Just wait some more." desperation could be heard in his voice.

We met some guy on our way from the elevator to his flat, and of course he could smell omega in heat as well as Louis.

Louis snarled at him as he walked past him, pressing my body into his chest even more.

He had to put me down momentarily, in order to find his keys and let us into his flat.

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