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I had to wear an oversized hoodie or sweater everyday now. Well, I didn't really have to but I felt like I should.

I was afraid someone would notice my tummy got bigger. We haven't talked about me being open about my pregnancy, but at some point I had to talk to the headmaster about it. I just had to keep quiet about Louis being the father of course.

Today I decided to go out with Zayn during our lunch break to get some food.

"Okay, where do we want to go?" he asked me when we were standing outside, on the pavement.

"I would like some chocolate cake and tea. Would you mind going to a cafeteria?"

"No, not at all." and so we walked down the street together, making our way towards the café.

"So, how are you doing?" Zayn asked to keep the conversation going.

"We are doing great. Baby is growing quickly though."

"That's good. We want them to be strong, hm?" Zayn glanced at me, giving me a smile.

"Yeah." I breathed out heavily.

"H, is something wrong?"

"I- don't even know. It's just all- everything at once- I don't know."

"It's okay." Zayn secured his arm around me.

"The cake will make you feel better, I am sure. You need some sugar." yeah, maybe Zayn was right.

Zayn was absolutely right. I was halfway through my cake and I was already feeling much better.

"And what about your alpha? How is he?" Zayn took another bite of the sandwich he had bought.

"He is alright but... under quite a lot of pressure." but that's just normal during this time of the year.

"Yeah, that's understandable at this time."
"But he has time for you, right?"

"He has." I remembered what happened the night before.

"Oh, you are blushing." Zayn smirked smugly.
"Tell me Harry. I can literally feel how your whole body is heating up." I looked up to meet his curious eyes.

"That's private." I frowned at him but that didn't make Zayn stop staring at me like that. He was my best friend after all, wasn't he? I could tell him anything.

"I l-let him touch me." I whispered quietly, feeling like I was talking about something forbidden.

"But you liked it, right?" Zayn looked at me worriedly.
"Don't tell me he forced you t-" I interrupted him.

"No, I felt like it." I admitted.
"Don't judge me please."

"Har." Zayn shook his head in amusement.
"Better finish your cake, we should get back to school." he put the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth.

"Yeah, right." I took another bite of my cake.

When we entered the building of our school we parted our ways in order to go to our classes.

Suddenly I could see Louis walk out of nowhere, making his way through the hallway.
He looked wonderful today. I felt my knees going week although I got the chance to see him in the morning already.

He was dressed in black skinnies, black thin sweater and black shoes. I am telling you he can pull off literally anything.

"Hello, Mr. Tomlinson." his eyes lingered over me before he stopped me by grabbing my shoulder.

"I would like to speak to you for a moment Mr. Styles."

"Oh, sure." I nodded, following him into his cabinet.

Biology - A/B/O | l.s.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin