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"Do you want me to do something for you?" Zayn asked when we arrived home.

"No, thank you, I- I am alright." I kicked off my shoes, walking over to the couch, plopping down on it.

"So what are we gonna do?" Zayn joined me.

"You can go if you want to, I don't want to bother you. I can handle it." I tugged myself underneath the blanket that we had there. It was fluffy and it always kept me warm.

"What?" Zayn scoffed. "You bothering me? Totally not." he smirked, a quiet laugh escaping his lips afterwards.

"What?" I smiled, waiting for an explanation.

"You reminded me of my sister when she was expecting a baby. She wanted to prove to everyone she didn't need help so badly." Zayn tilted his head to the side, stealing a glance at me.

My smile dropped as soon as I understood his words and that one thought filled up my head...

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath.

"What?" his expression changed from amused into worried in matter of seconds.

"I need to buy something. I- I ran out of- of- painkillers, and my head is beginning to hurt again."

"Oh, I can get them from the pharmacy." no, for the love of God Zayn!

"I will go with you." I threw the blanket on the empty side of the couch, getting up as fast as I managed to.

"But Harry what if you will faint or something?"

"I won't, you will be looking after me anyway, am I right?"

"Sure I will." he nodded.

"Okay, let's go then." we left the flat almost as quickly as we had entered. I really needed to reassure myself that this all was just a coincidence, stupid coincidence and nothing more.

I was trying to remember if we had used protection, but every time I thought about it I came to conclusion that we hadn't. Of course we hadn't... who would use a condom during omega's heat...

I was so nervous that I began to feel dizzy.
This wasn't real, was it? My head was a jungle.

Finally we found ourselves standing in front of the pharmacy.
Zayn seemed like he wanted to go inside with me but I stopped him before he even could.

"Wait here for me, please." I almost begged him.

"Why can't I go with you?"

"It's better if there is not too much people inside, remember?" that was true. The store was small and people who went there were often sick so it was better if those who didn't have to go in stood outside.

"Yeah, alright." Zayn sighed, nodding and stopping by the entrance door.


I pushed the door open, walking in with my wallet in my hands which began to shake a little.

"Hello." I greeted to announce my presence.

"Hello young man, what can I do for you?" some lady came in from the back of the shop, walking over to the counter I was standing in front of.

"I would like to buy some painkillers." I turned around to check on Zayn. He was doing something on his phone, probably playing Subway Surfers.

"Mhm." the lady hummed in response, turning around and opening one of those white drawers that were full of medications.

I looked around the shop, trying to catch a sight of something that looked like a pregnancy test with my eyes.
I couldn't find anything that would look at least similar.

"Here, anything else?" she put the package of pills down.

"No, well yeah." I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I- I would like to buy a pregnancy test." she checked me up and down, from my hair to my toes.

"For you?" she questioned, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Eh, n-no. It's for- for my mother. She couldn't come because she is sick and-" she stopped my embarrassing mumbling.

"That's really nice of you, there is not that much teenagers like you nowadays." she smiled.

"We have different types of pregnancy tests. I would recommend to take two of them. It's better to check twice." I nodded, looking at those which she was currently showing me.

"I- I will take this one and- this one." I just chose some random one's that didn't look too cheap since I wanted them to work.

"Alright. Would you like a bag?" she asked, taking the rest away, placing them back into the drawer.

"Yes please." I nodded eagerly. Zayn couldn't see this!

I paid for everything, leaving the pharmacy feeling very down.
There was a possibility that I was pregnant. I was freaking out but honestly who wouldn't?

"I have the pills." I informed Zayn.

"Oh, that's good. I have bad news. Unfortunately, my mum called me that my sister probably broke her leg but she is sick so I need to take her to the hospital myself..." wonderful. I mean it's not good that she had broken her leg but it's good he can't stay. At different terms I would love to spend time with my best friend but... not now.

"It's okay. You need to take care of her. I am okay anyway." I smiled.

"I still have time to escort you back home though, let's go."

"Thank you." we began to walk back, in the direction of my home.

"Thank you again for taking care of me Zee." I handed him his backpack.

"You're welcome curly." he embraced me in a quick hug.

"Take care of yourself and rest, okay? Do that for me."

"Of course, mum." he smacked my arm in playful manner before he disappeared down the staircase.

I shut the door closed, sprinting into the kitchen where I previously put down the bag from pharmacy.

I opened it, taking both of the pregnancy tests out, running into the bathroom with them, feeling even more nervous than before.
Was that even possible at this point?

I unpacked the first test, taking a look at the information letter before actually using it.

All information I read there was that you have to pee on it... which I already knew before so... nothing new for me.

I took a look at myself in the mirror, seeing a totally freaked out teenager with messed up hair and pale skin.

There you go. Maybe I will upload some more, I am really in the mood for this story right now.

The wind is unbelievably strong, I hope you are all safe and doing well!

Love ya.<3

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