Epilogue - happy

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"Raven! Come hereeee!" Louis chased his daughter around the living room.
"Dadaaa!" she tried to escape but Louis was smart and changed the direction when she least expected it.
"Ahhhh! I have got youuuu." he picked her up into his arms.
"Dada!" Raven tried to get out of his hold but she wasn't successful.

"No, no..." he said to her, taking her into the kitchen.
"Little lady, lunch is very much compulsory." Louis seated her into her baby chair.

"Here is your plate Rae." Harry came over, putting a plate with chopped broccoli, strawberries, chicken and a few pieces of grilled cheese.

"And here is our meal." he brought a tray with two bowls of tomato soup and two plates with grilled cheese.

"Thank you Harry." Louis smiled at him from across the table.

"Dada." Raven pointed at Louis with her index finger when he put a first spoonful into his mouth.
"What love?" he asked her as if she could answer.
Starting to kick her legs, Raven whined.
"Did you change her nappy before you brought her to the table?" Harry asked.
"No, I forgot."
Harry was about to get up but Louis was swifter.
"You eat. I will take care of it." he got up, taking Raven into his arms once again.

"Someone made a mess?" Raven just kept kicking her legs in Louis' hold. Well, it had to feel uncomfortable.

Louis laid her down on the couch. They always put a changing mat under her to prevent the couch from getting dirty. Since they lived in this flat still, they couldn't afford to buy a normal changing table because it was way too big.

Louis took down her nappy to relieve what he thought was the problem.
"Oh yeah. That was it, right?" he took a wiping tissue to clean her up before he replaced the old nappy with a new one. He did everything that he needed to before he returned back to the table with her.

"See, nappy was the problem. Harry always knows." he kissed her head before he put her back into her seat.
Louis took his place at the table as well. They ate their food together as a proper family almost every day. Louis loved and cherished those moments.

It was three o'clock and Raven was sleeping in her crib peacefully. She still slept there. They had no reason to buy a bed yet. She was perfectly fine with her crib since it was one of the bigger one's.

"Lou?" Harry was sitting next to his alpha on the couch, a pillow resting in his lap.
"Yes baby?" Louis turned his attention towards him.
The boy bit his lip, his cheeks getting slightly more red.
Harry's head wasn't decorated by a bandana anymore. There were few centimeters of his chestnut hair all over his head now.
"I just- thought about something." Harry was nervous to share this with his alpha. He knew Louis could already know since he was able to hear Harry's thoughts sometimes. It was really annoying in some situations, but helpful in others.
"Raven's turning two in few weeks." Harry started by saying this.
"Yes, we are gonna make her a pretty birthday party."

"Yeah, I know." Harry sighed.
"But doesn't Raven need someone to play with?" Louis arched his eyebrow at his younger omega.
"You mean...?" he had something in his mind but he wasn't sure if Harry really meant that.
"I want another baby." he looked up into Louis' eyes, feeling a bit scared of his alpha's reaction.
"I just- want to have more children. I know we haven't talked about it since the priority was something else. I know these three years were tough but- I just really want another baby alpha. I wanna try. I feel the best I have in a long time. I feel like it could work out."
Louis was so happy by the thought of another little one running around.
"Another little you?" he moved closer to his boy.
"N-no, this time I'd like a child with your eyes, little you please."
"Are you really sure baby?" Louis frowned for a second.
"I asked doctor Dean about getting pregnant. It doesn't have to work out, but she said we can try."
"Alright. You wanna try now?" Louis moved even closer to him, whispering it into his face.
"Well, Raven is asleep..." Harry bit his lip.
"Alright, alright." he laid Harry down on the couch, howering over him.
"Alpha." Harry bit his lip.
"Shh, darling. I will give you what you need." Louis began to suck a mark on Harry's neck.

Harry was taking a pregnancy test right now, hoping for the best. It would be a miracle. They only slept together three times since he shared that idea with Louis. There was a potential of Harry never getting pregnant again. He didn't want to give up though. He had to believe.

Harry paced around the bathroom, waiting for the test to be ready.
"Okay, it should be ready now." Harry looked at himself into the mirror.
He remembered that time when he was just a scared eighteen year old boy in high school. He was an adult now. He managed to finish his school leaving exam just few months ago and all he wanted was to get pregnant with another Louis' baby. Lot of things changed since then.

He finally took a look at the test that was resting on the sink. He could see two lines.
"No way!" he put a hand over his mouth. Was it real?
"Give me the second one." he immediately ripped the other packaging with the second test.

He did what he had to do before he put it down on the sink, same as the first one. His heart was beating loudly in his chest, his body shaking from all that excitement.
"Please, want that baby to be real." he took the test from the sink after a while to take a look. It was positive as well.

"Oh gosh!" he teared up. When he wiped the few restless tears he grabbed the tests and left the bathroom.

"Alpha?" Harry called out, not knowing where Louis was right now. Raven was away with Anne on a walk and they had some free time.
"Bedroom love!" Louis screamed in response.
Harry came into the room smiling from ear to ear.
"What love?" Louis looked up at him from the bed where he was currently lying.
"You are in the mood?" Louis asked, certainly confused by his omega's behavior.
"Something better." Harry shook his head.
"Love, tell me. I want to know." Louis urged.

"Here." Harry finally took the tests from behind his back and placed them into Louis' hands.
"Y-you are...?"
"Yes, we are expecting a baby." Harry put his hand over his stomach.
"Really?" Louis got out of the bed abruptly, leaving the tests on the bedside table.
He kneeled in front of Harry and rolled up his tshirt.
He kissed his flat belly happily. His inner alpha was in heaven, his omega was going to give him another child.
"Harry, I am so happy." he looked up to meet the younger one's eyes.
"You are my magic, my miracle. I love you Haz." Louis stood up and pecked his lips.
"I was so scared because lot of people become infertile after going through... you know." Harry coughed, not wanting to say that word.
"I think you have to be very fertile love. You got pregnant very quickly the first time too, some have to try for months. It's a gift I'd say." Louis caressed his cheeks.

"Back then I would call it a curse, but right now I am very glad and happy." Louis smiled and pulled him closer in order to kiss his forehead.
"Love." Louis hugged the boy.

"I need to tell you something too."
"What is it?" Harry pulled away in order to look him in the eyes.
"Well, we can't raise two children here, can we?" Louis said nonchalantly.

Harry kept quiet, waiting for Louis to continue.
"There is a pretty house out of London. I found it just yesterday. It has some history, but I think it would be perfect for the kids. I don't want them to grow up in London. Also, I made sure it's not too far, so we can still visit your mom often." Harry hugged him even tighter this time.
"Jesus. I am so glad for all of this. It's one big blessing... health, you, our daughter, possible new home, another baby on the way..." Harry teared up.

"I am so glad I can be a part of this. I am so glad for everything." Louis pulled away in order to take a look at Harry.
"Lovely." he smiled sadly and wiped Harry's tears with his thumbs.


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