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Louis' POV

Harry was sitting next to me on the couch while I was still doing work.
I could hear his stomach was making sounds again. I knew he was hungry before but I didn't say anything.

"Do you want some snack?" I asked him.

"I- isn't it too soon to eat again?"

"Not if you are hungry. I bet our little love is hungry too." Harry threw his head back from where he was laying down on the couch, staring at me.

I put my work aside before I moved closer to him, giving him... an upside down kiss.

I heard another loud growl of his stomach so I got up, making my way into the kitchen.

Harry's POV

Louis came back into the living room with bowl full of fruit.
"You need vitamins." he handed it to me.
"Thanks." I sat up, resting the bowl in my lap. There were apples, berries, apricots and peaches. It was also very, very tasty (and frUitY).

My day contained of sleeping and eating, Louis wanted me to rest so I couldn't really do much. In the evening we finally left the flat to get my things.

As soon as we drove off I could smell something weird in the air. I wasn't quite sure what it was because I have never smelled this before. It made me nervous but Louis didn't notice something was off so I let it be, thinking it could be just some derangement of my senses.

"Good, she is not here." I unlocked the door from the dark flat, letting us both in.

"T-take all the things you need, okay?" Louis let out. His voice seemed a bit off.

"Okay." I checked him up and down because this just didn't feel right to me.

He told me to pack more things just in case that I will stay with him for a longer time.

I was done packing my clothes from my wardrobe, ready to pack my laptop and other stuff when I heard Louis wailing from the kitchen.
I quickly put down the bag, rushing there to see what happened.

"Louis?" he was just standing there, holding his head. Something was definitely happening.

"P-pack your things!" he ordered and of course that I obeyed him, he was my alpha.

I went back into my room although I was worried about him.

Few moments passed by when I could feel Louis grabbing my hips and pulling me in.

He kept whining into my ears and... I finally understood in what mess I was right now.

I could feel his erection pressing against my bum.

Why am I so dumb? Even in the car, it was Louis' scent...

Fuck, I am so stupid!

"Omega." Louis pulled me even closer.

"Louis." I would like to say I wasn't prepared like the last time but this time it was, it was different. I felt different. I wanted it.

"Louis." I moaned when he began to buck his hips.

"Gonna make you so much pups." he whispered into my neck.

"Louis." I whined again when he began to nibble on my sensitive skin.

He tumbled me on the surface of my bed, pinning me against it.

"I want to breed." he nuzzled his cheek against mine.

He probably forgot I was already pregnant or otherwise I don't know. It's understandable he was so out of place, he was on his rut after all. His inner alpha was the one in charge now.

"Want to conceive a pup." he found the hem of my trousers, yanking them off swiftly.

"Alpha, just be careful. There is a pup inside..." I hoped he would remember.

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I wasn't sure if he truly understood but I hoped he did.

His hands yanked off my underwear few seconds later, relieving my hardening cock.

There was slick forming as well so I was wet and ready for him.

I don't know how it happened but I was actually becoming really horny.

I once read pregnancy can make you horny, maybe it was my case.

Louis began to rub on my circle of muscles, ready to prepare me.

"Yeah, so wet and ready."

When Louis was done for maybe the fourth time he finally managed to calm down a bit, his senses not that stupefied anymore.

"Louis." I nudged his head. He was currently laying between my legs with his head resting on my thigh.

"Mhm?" he didn't move but it still was a good sign that he reacted to my words.

"We need to get to your flat. My mother must not catch us here when you are on your rut. Home, can you take us there? To your home?" I caressed his hair.

"Home." he mumbled, his voice husky.

"Yeah, home." he lifted his head up, his dark eyes meeting my greens.

He was still sweaty but adorable.

"Omega." he towered over me, staring down on my face. He was already running out of energy which was playing into my hands greatly.

"Get us home first, hmm?" I hoped he will somehow manage to do this.

"I wanna breed." he whined like a little puppy.

"Home. We can do that at home." I repeated it again.

"O-okay." he groaned, getting off of me and the bed.

He wasn't lying when he told my mother he had strong will.

He quickly began to dress up so I did the same.

If he wasn't this tired out I am sure I wouldn't be able to get him out of here.

I just hoped we would get to his flat safe.

I quickly packed all the remaining things I needed when I felt him standing behind my back again.

I had to get away from him because I didn't want to end up in the bed again, at least not now, not here.

Louis kept groaning and snarling and I don't fucking know what else he was doing all the way home. When we reached his flat his energy was already fully recharged.

"My omega." he picked me up as soon as I closed the entrance door behind us, taking me into the bedroom with swift steps.

Well, this wasn't planned at first but my counting skills told me it was the right time for Louis' rut. (36+6=38)

I wish you a great day/night.

I am sending you all hugs and kisses!  \(^•^)/


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