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"Cuddle me?" Harry whispered shortly after.
Louis just sighed in response.
"Haz, you will have to wait home for that, I am sorry." he pulled away from him.

"Ouch." Harry's body winced unexpectedly.
"Are you alright?"
"My stomach." the boy whispered his answer.
"Do I need to call someone?" Louis was ready to get every single nurse from this ward up on her feet if it was needed.

"No, it's good now. I don't know what it was. I am okay." Harry's features really seemed more relaxed, so Louis relaxed as well.

"Okay. Make sure to tell someone if it comes back, alright? They will check you and the baby." Harry nodded to Louis' words.

"It's almost dark." the green eyed boy glanced outside of the hospital window.
"Yeah, I still have couple hours till the visiting hours are over." Louis said this time.
"You haven't eaten properly."
"I am alright." Louis shrugged it off.
"I don't want you to neglect your needs because of me." the boy said sadly.

"Harry-" Harry interrupted him before Louis could share his thoughts with him.
"Go home please. Make yourself some proper dinner. I want you to take some time for yourself."
"I need to work anyway. I have to go back to work tomorrow."
"Oh, work. Now I feel even worse. You have a lot of things to do and-" the boy began to mumble.

"Hey, it's alright. No work will ever be as important as my family." Harry just stared at him blankly.

Louis leaned down to peck Harry's lips.
"I promise I will make myself some proper meal, yeah?" he mumbled into the boy's lips.
"And get proper sleep." Harry mumbled back before he kissed Louis tenderly.

"I will try." Louis said in between kisses.
When they pulled away he made his way over to his things, picking them up.

"Will you come visit me tomorrow?" the boy asked once Louis was ready to leave.
"Of course I will." he walked over to Harry, wishing him a good night before he left.

It was better than yesterday, but it still hurt to leave him there alone. Louis could feel this heavy feeling settling on his chest once again.

When he was leaving the hospital he decided to stop in some shop. He pulled over the nearest store, making his way towards the entrance door just with his wallet in hand.

He needed to buy himself some groceries. This store was huge though, so he ended up looking around at some random things as well.

He somehow managed to get in the isle with clothes for little babies and kids. Louis' eyes kept wandering all around until they haven't laid on a pretty infant bodysuit. It was white with inscription 'little star'.

Louis touched the fabric before he picked the hanger into his hand, taking a closer look at that tiny piece of clothing.

He took a look at some more bodysuits, finding them all incredibly cute. When he was about to leave that isle his eyes lingered over a pair of little shoes. They were so tiny! It was little model of adidas sneakers! They were too cute.

He didn't buy them nor anything else. He wanted to do this together with Harry.

"Juice!" he remembered Harry wanted juice so he took his shopping chart, making his way towards the drinks.

Louis hardly ever bought juice, so he picked up one that seemed good to him and checked what it consisted of.

Once he approved of it's ingredients he chose strawberry juice and multivitamin. He didn't know which one would Harry like better.

When he had everything he headed to the cashier.

Louis was currently sitting with his pasta salad at the table. He remembered how he said to Harry that he will talk to his mum. He took out his phone, scrolling through his contacts.

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