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!warning: touching the subject of death in Harry's dream (the end of this chapter), feel free to skip that part if it triggers you!

We were in the car, driving to -for me- unknown destination. I was a bit afraid of where Louis was taking us. What if it will be something very expensive? I would feel bad about not contributing then.

"No need to feel that way." oh god, this is beginning to terrify me.

How come that he can even hear them? I mean my thoughts of course.

"I just do." he said without even glancing at me once.

"Could you please pull over? Like right now?" I asked, my grip on the door handle tightening. A wave of sickness just washed over me.

He stopped the car just in time. I rushed out, throwing up on the grass without hesitation.

"Oh god." I heard him say, slam of the door following soon after. He jogged towards me, his hand resting on my back.

"I don't want to be sick anymore." I whined, straightening myself back up.

"It should get better soon, after the first trimester you should feel good again." I pouted.

Louis pulled me to his chest to make me feel better.

"I hate throwing up."

"I know it's nothing pleasant." his hands kept sliding up and down my back while I rested my chin against the top of his shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he pulled away, his eyebrows knitted together.

I have been feeling hot for some time now but I didn't feel like it was important to say it.

"I dont know. I feel hot all over." I rasped.

Louis took a look at me suspiciously, placing his hand on my forehead.

"No wonder you do, you are on fire." Louis stated with worry visible in his voice.

"We can still go there, it won't be that serious." we were already more than half way through and Louis had spent money on gas and the reservation.

"I am taking you back home, right now. You are ill Harry. You felt good when we got into the car?" he asked me.

"I quite did..." I whispered.

He checked my forehead once more, just to feel my hot skin.

"Do you think you are ready to go?" he checked up on me after some more time spent outside. Thankfully I didn't feel like throwing up anymore.

"I am." I began to feel cold so I was happy to sit back inside of the warm car.

Unfortunately we were already hour away from home. Louis spent all those money for nothing. Why do I have to spoil everything with my bullshit?

When we arrived in front of Louis' place I felt really weak.

My eyes were almost closed even though I wasn't sleepy.

"We are here Harry. Let's get you to bed." Louis nudged my arm gently but I didn't move.

"Harry?" I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Help me please?" I whispered almost inaudibly. The next thing I heard was the sound of him opening the door and then slamming them closed again.

After what felt like eternity to me the door from my side finally opened.

"I am here, let's stand up." Louis helped me get out of the seat, holding me as we walked side by side back into his flat.

Third person's POV

When they arrived home Harry looked miserable. Louis was becoming really worried about his condition. He didn't know if taking Harry to a doctor wasn't the best option.

Louis tugged him in the bed, deciding to make some chicken broth for when he will wake up.

In the meanwhile Harry was sleeping in Louis' bedroom with weird dreams coming his way.

"Louis! Drive!" Harry's scream spread through the whole vehicle.
"I am doing my best, I don't want to kill us!" Louis was just driving past a very busy intersection, trying to pay attention to everything at once.
"Agh!" Harry squirmed in his seat.
"It's all good, just keep breathing."
"Drive!" the curly haired omega screamed again.
"We are almost there, fuck!"

What Harry saw after was just a big blur. The vision became lucid again when he could hear a voice of a screaming newborn.
"Where is the nurse with the medication?" somebody asked in distance.

Harry's eyes closed, his dream all covered in black now. There was no blur or such thing this time.

And then his eyes opened and he saw.
He saw a hospital room.
Harry took a look around, expecting to see the crib with his newborn next to him.

When he didn't see a crib anywhere around he began to worry.

"My baby, where is my baby? Where is my baby!" the volume of his voice was increasing with every word. Few moments later someone entered the room with swift steps. It was Louis.

"Louis, where is our baby?" Harry urged, feeling the tears prickling his eyes.

Louis sighed loudly, getting on his knees next to Harry's sickbed so they could look at each other properly.

"Baby, where is our baby! I need to see them!" Harry screamed with tears spilling from his eyes.

"Harry..." Louis whispered.
"The baby is not here with us."

"What?" that made Harry stop his actions and concentrate on Louis' words and facial expression.

"Where then? Where is my little one!?" the omega was desperately trying to get his answer.

"Harry..." Louis began to cry himself now.
"The baby wasn't breathing." Louis caressed his curls carefully.

"W-what are you- I heard the screams!"

"There were no screams Harry..." Louis kept staring into his greens with pain visible in his own eyes.

"Louis..." Harry sobbed loudly.
"My baby, I want to hold my baby."

I have a presentation today and I am starting to feel really anxious. I hope I will be able to talk.

I hope I didn't upset you with this chapter too much. If I did I am sorry for that.

I am sending you all hugs and kisses.
Have a great day/night! I love you!<3


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