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When I was finished with revising the exams from my second folder I could hear quiet whimpers spread through the flat. I put all the things aside, making my way into my bedroom. As soon as I entered I saw Harry kneeling in his broken nest.

"Hey?" I announced my presence but Harry still just kept whimpering.

"Harry?" I came up to the bed.
"Is it because your nest is broken? You can repair it, you can take some more clothes from my wardrobe if you want." I opened it for him, relieving all of my clothes that were there.

Harry looked at the wardrobe curiously, getting up from the bed to take a look. His attention caught the pile of my jumpers and sweaters. He picked up the whole pile, taking it back on the bed.

He added it all into his nest, repairing it.

Then he laid down again but he still didn't stop whimpering.
I sighed, running out of ideas what could possibly be wrong.

I came closer and that was the moment when he started whimpering even more.
It was impossible to know what he wanted. Right now I couldn't hear his thoughts and I already realized that Harry wasn't talking while he was in this state.

I remembered the last time when I saw him nesting and I decided to try what I had done in Paris.

"Omega, can I enter your nest?" I asked for permission. I hit the right button obviously. Harry began to nod vehemently, rolling further from the center so I could lie down with him.

I carefully climbed up, laying down and waiting for his reaction. He began to slowly move closer and closer towards me. Eventually he buried his face in the hollow of my neck, sniffing.

It's adorable what only my scent can do. Harry stopped whimpering after few sniffs and he seemed much calmer.

"Yeah." I whispered, putting my hand on his back, hoping he wouldn't mind it. He didn't.

So we just laid like that. Harry kept sniffing my neck to stay calm while I began to rub his back soothingly.

It didn't take him long to fall asleep again. I was really grateful that so far it was all good. We solved everything that was bothering him quickly without obstructions.

Harry's POV

When I opened my eyes I realized I was laying with Louis in... my nest.
I took a deep breath in since my head was still buried in his neck.
His scent was something that always made me calm down. It was like a drug for me.

Few moments passed when my stomach started rumbling loudly.
I moved my head to look up at Louis.

"Hungry?" he asked, checking my face.

"Very." he smiled, getting up from the bed and leaving to the kitchen.

As soon as Louis left I sat up, slowly following his steps.

I was shoving pieces of scrambled eggs into my mouth hungrily, still not feeling full. And I was already on my second plate!

When I finished off the second plate and even the second toast I knew I should stop.
I looked on the stove for a moment, just checking if there was some more.

"Still hungry?" Louis asked me.

I should say no, I ate like four eggs already and two toasted breads.

"No." I shook my head, my brows knitting together.

"You know you can eat how much you need." he got up to put his plate away, into the dishwasher.

"Thank you but I am really not hungry anymore." I got up to put my plate away as well.

"Alright then." Louis said.

"Today we will stay here. I want you to rest a bit. I- would like to pack in the evening because we should be leaving tomorrow. I will take you home so you can pack your things, just tell me when your mother is not there. I don't want you to deal with her and stress yourself again." I had to slap myself mentally in order to bring myself into reality again.

He was so kind to me!

"She should be gone the whole night I think."

"Okay. Then, I will finish what I have to now and in the evening we will go there together." he smiled, leaving the kitchen.

I followed him like a lost puppy.

He sat down on the couch while I kept shuffling on my feet in front of him.

"Something wrong?" he questioned while picking up his papers and the red ball pen.

"I am scared." I whispered.


"I am scared of pregnancy." Louis stared at me before he let out a sigh.

"Come here." Louis put his things down again, reaching out with his hand for me.
I came closer, standing between his legs.

He grabbed my hand, leading me to sit down. I sat on his thighs, staring into his face, waiting for what he wanted to tell me.

"There is nothing to be scared of. As long as we do everything we have to and we don't underestimate anything it will be fine." he tried to calm me down but he wasn't really successful.

"And labor? It will hurt and- can I even make it? I am afraid of unknown." Louis covered my hands in his, squeezing them.

"I will make sure to find you the best hospital and doctors. I want only the best for you and our little one. I am gonna be there with you, I am gonna try to help you get through it all but I am sure you will do good. You will bring our baby to this world without complications, I believe it." I was almost sure I won't be able to make it. What if I just won't be able to deliver the baby at all? What if something will happen to the baby during the labor?

"Hey, no. You need to tell yourself it will be fine. I believe it's called manifestation these days?" he asked more himself.

"Yes, I think so." I answered.

"Then you need to manifest and most importantly don't think about it too much. Just let it be. There is nothing to worry about now." he caressed my hair with his hand.

"Yes, you are right, as always."

I hope you are all alright after the today's events...

I wish you all just the best, I truly do.

Stay safe and take care!
I love you.<3


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