FortyEight: Exhaustion

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The pack stood behind Bee in awe as Jimin shakily pushed himself into an upright position. Apart from the sounds of breathing, it was silent.

Bee smoothly shifted back to her human form and helped Jimin to his feet with a grunt of pain.

"Are you okay?" She asked him softy, "Did it hurt?"

"Ah, a bit," Jimin admitted, "But I'm just- I mean wow,"

Bee turned around to face the rest of her pack and they all immediately dropped to their stomachs, eyes fixed on her. They were showing her extreme respect for once, and she didn't know how to respond. The reaction was so unusual.

Alpha, we need your help, Hana is freaking out and doesn't understand us.

Daisy's voice sounded in the pack's heads and Bee took a wobbly step towards the door before deciding that walking on four feet at that moment would be easier than two. She once again shifted and headed for the stairs, sounding an order before she left.

Taehung and Cheng, stay with Jimin.

She and the rest of the pack headed straight to the library, where Yoongi was stood behind Daisy and Namjoon had a snarling Hana pinned on the floor.

Her wolf was quite small, but Namjoon was still struggling to control her.

She's panicking, Alpha, I don't know what to do.

Release her. Bee commanded. Namjoon shifted his weight from her and immediately the small wolf stood up, her four feet scrambling for traction as she backed away from Bee.

The huge white wolf followed her and Hana's eyes rolled around her head in terror. She was fighting back against Namjoon, but she was terrified of Bee.

When Hana's rump finally hit a wall, her growls became panicked whines.

As before, Bee just stood in front of her.

Hana, can you understand me?

The wolf froze.

Bee was suddenly hit with a garbled mess of confused images, just like it had happened with Jimin.

Washing hands at a white sink and putting on a pair of purple gloves. A mans brown eyes and handsome face looking down from above. Hana's hands gently massaging a large scar on a muscular shoulder. Jimin wearing pink bunny slippers.

Shift back. Bee commanded gently, You're safe, shift back.

The wolf gave a low groan and Bee stepped back as it began to change shape.

She followed suit and kneeled down as Jimin's sister looked around her wildly.

"The fuck just happened?!" She gasped, "Your turned me into a wol- I'm naked!"

"Are you hurt?" Bee asked, her vision a little blurry.

"No," Hana replied, covering herself as she sat up, "But you are!"

"I'm fine," Bee stood up, wobbling, "Gather everyone in the main room, we need... we need.."

Bee's legs gave way underneath her, but she was caught by her pack. Jin and Jungkook skidded underneath her, catching her as she fell woth their large, furry bodies. Namjoon shifted and carefully lifted her, carrying her to her bedroom with the others following.

Daisy shifted and moved to Hana, "Wait here, I'll get you some clothes. We will have a meeting once Alpha has rested,"

"I need to redress her wound," Hana said, "Can you also get me my bag?"

Daisy nodded, "I'll be right back,"


The pack was restless as they waited for news.

Taehyung finally came down to join them in the main room and they all turned to look at him.

"Hana said that Alpha is just exhausted," He said,  "From the blood loss and stress," He looked at Jin, "Go and sit outside her room in case one of the Park siblings shifts again. Hoseok, Cheng and Namjoon, you need to patrol around the house. We can't risk going on patrol and leaving Alpha exposed. Daisy, you will go back to guarding Yoongi," His eyes moved to Jungkook, who swallowed nervously.

"Technically, you are an intruder on our lands as our Alpha banished you. Go to your room and stay in there until Alpha wakes up and decides what to do with you. I will guard the prisoners and keep everyone in the loop. Any questions?"

There was silence.

"Good. Get moving,"

Everyone immediately left for their positions and Taehyung went to the top of the stairs. Just as he sat down, however, he heard a voice from the females room.

"I want to talk," Her voice was firm but it was clear she was scared, "Hello? I want to talk, I have information,"


AN: As you guys have probably realised, my life is extremely busy so I don't have much time to write anymore. I've been wanting to update this for sooo long but I had a massive block. Please don't expect a lot of updates, but I'm back sort of lol

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