ThirtyEight: Buried

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Although Bee appreciated the fact that Yoongi was blunt and honest with her, she was annoyed that he argued as nobody seemed to be listening to her.

She was the Alpha but each member of her pack was not doing as they were told. She could of course understand why - spending a lot of time with Jimin had made her a more reasonable person as she was trying to control her powers. But still, she was irritated.

"What is it?" She finally snapped at Yoongi as they reached the library.

"Don't get mad at me," He huffed, "Technically, I'm not one of your pack, you can't order me around,"

"Nobody listens to my orders anyway," Bee grumbled, yanking a chair out from under the desk and flopping into it.

"Now you're being childish," Yoongi sighed, "You are looking at this situation from a-"

"Just tell me what you want to talk about," Bee sighed, "I understand their side, I just hate feeling helpless,"

Yoongi was silent for a moment before taking a seat opposite her, "I was looking into Jimin's strange behaviour," He said, gently running his fingers over the cover of one of the old hardback books on the table surface, "And there seems to be only one reason for it,"

Bee looked at him expectantly, "Yes?"

"He has a wolf," Yoongi said, "But it's not able to come out. Someone in his family, years ago, must have been a wolf and given it up so their children couldn't shift. Jimin is human," Yoongi stressed the last part, "He cannot change, but being around a true Alpha is bringing his wolf forward - especially due to the mutual attraction you two have,"

The Alpha was quiet as she remembered what Jimin had said about his feelings towards her, "So he has a wolf ancestor," She said, "But isn't a wolf. What does that mean for him?"

Yoongi took a deep breath, "There is a way for you to bring his wolf out of him," He stated, "But the risks are high. Very high,"

Bee sat up straighter, "What are they?"

With another deep breath, Yoongi seemed to gather himself before speaking, "As a true Alpha, you have the ability to drag his buried wolf to the surface. However, there are a few highly likely outcomes that are not good,"

"Which are?"

"If his wolf is too weak, it will tear him apart trying to answer your call. Instead of transforming like you guys, he will simply die,"

Bee's eyes widened but Yoongi continued to talk.

"If the wolf is stronger, he may transform but not be able to become human again. He will be stuck as a wild wolf, nothing like you and your pack," He paused, "If the wolf inside him is an Alpha, he will change and..." Yoongi trailed off.

"And he will do what?" Bee spoke quietly.

"He will attack and kill you and your entire pack. If his wolf is a true Alpha he will not be able to control himself after becoming free,"

Bee was silent.

"In Jimin's case," Yoongi said quietly, "His wolf is likely to be too weak. It will be too far buried otherwise he would have started to react when coming in contact with Taehyung. I think... I think that the most probable outcome of this is his death,"

Bee stood up quickly, "I won't do it," She stated, "I won't risk him just because I need more wolves-"

"What if I want to risk it?"

Bee spun, her eyes flashing orange as she turned to see Jimin in the doorway to the library.

"I'm sorry Alpha," Daisy said from behind, "He tricked me and then-"

Jimin spoke over her, striding into the room, "I want to try," He said, "I want to help-"

Bee shook her head, "No," She said simply, "I won't even attempt it,"

Without looking back at Yoongi, Bee walked from the library and headed downstairs as quickly as she could. Jimin, however, was hot on her heels.

"This is my life," He said, "Why won't you let me-"

Spinning around, Bee slammed her hands into Jimin's chest, shoving him into the wall behind him. He let out a grunt of surprise and pain, his eyes widening when Bee stepped in close.

"Because I love you. If you die, it will ruin me,"

Before Jimin could respond, Bee quickly shed her clothes and transformed into the beautiful huge white wolf that Jimin had gotten used to seeing. With a loud snarl, she bounded down the stairs and out the font door inti the forest, leaving Jimin a shocked mess behind her.

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