FortySeven: Remember

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I'll go. Namjoon quickly turned to run to Yoongi's aid, followed by Daisy and Jin.

The rest of the pack stayed, still keeping their Alpha safe.

Jimin pushed himself backwards, further into the corner as low, menacing growls rumbled up from his chest. He was clearly terrified and he clearly saw them as strangers.

Taehyung moved a little closer to him.

Jimin, take a breath and try to calm down. Remember who you are-

Jimin's jaws snapped shut inches from Taehyung's muzzle and he returned the growl, standing up and towering over him. He didn't want to force his friend into submission, but his Alpha was the most important.

"Everybody move back," Bee commanded, walking through the wolves, forcing them to part in front of her or just get stepped on.

She crouched down, meeting Jimin's panicked gaze but could tell that there was nothing human about him. When she tried to communicate as wolves do, all she got in return from him was a mishmash of confused and jumbled images and a taste of his fear on her tongue. In one swift move she stood and quickly stripped before looking at her pack again.

"Back up, you're scaring him,"

There was hesitation from the wolves - they didn't want her unprotected. However, they had a quick reminder that Bee had not just been born an Alpha - she had kept the position through violence and skill.

Jungkook yelped in surprise as Bee's hand grabbed his throat, small enough to get lost in the fur of his neck but large enough to squeeze down on his windpipe.

"I said, back the fuck up!" Her voice held the hint of a growl and the other wolves quickly did as they were asked, Jungkook dropping his head low in submission as soon as he was released.

Bee turned her unclothed body back to face Jimin and just gazed at him for a moment before leaning her body forward.

She smoothly shifted into her beautiful other form, her icy eyes focused on Jimin.

She stared directly into his eyes, issuing a challenge. She might have loved him, but she was Alpha. This was her home, her pack, and if he was a wolf (especially with no human form), then he had to fall in line just like everyone else.

Unexpectedly, the honey-coloured wolf slowly got to his paws instead of showing submission or aggression.

There was thankfully silence behind Bee as Jimin got the feel of his legs and tottered towards her uncertainly.

He stopped in front of her and Bee watched his eyes reflect on his internal struggle. He didn't know how to act.

He wasn't a wild wolf.

But he wasn't human enough, either.

Bee held her head high as Jimin reached towards her with his nose, softly sniffling along her jaw. She could feel that her pack were tense behind her, but Jimin seemed curious and uncertain.

He pulled back suddenly, his dark eyes wide as he opened his mouth and let out a loud, whining bark.

Jimin's body began to tremble as he seemed to lose control of his limbs and the panic returned to his eyes.

Jimin, are you in there? Bee called out to him and once again got a bunch of jumbled images in return.

But this time, the images weren't confusing.

She saw Namjoon looking angrily over his shoulder with her legs hooked around his hips. The supply closet at school.

She could see Taehyung sitting on his bed, holding out the jumper that Jimin had been wearing. Yoongi talking to him in the classroom, a wolf leaping at him from the bushes.

She could see herself lying flat on her bed, her face flushed and her blonde hair splayed out like a golden halo.

She could see herself leaning against the door with Jimin's hand on her cheek, his thumb gently stroking back and forth.

Jimin remembered who he was.

Shift, she commanded him softly, come back to me.

Jimin gave a loud, pained whine and convulsed, his wolf shrinking back into him and leaving his beautiful human form naked and curled up on the floor.

"What the fuck?" His voice was breathless as he lifted his head to look at Bee, "You.. you actually did it. You turned me into a wolf!"

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