Author's Note

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Welcome! I see you've made it to book 3. I'd warn you, but if you've survived the first two books, nothing can hurt you. 

If at this point you're thinking, "Huh? What first two books?" then you should know that this is the third book in a four-book series. It's not a standalone. If you haven't read book one and two, this one won't make much sense. 

This is where I briefly remind you that I own this story, and ask you to respect my property. This means no copying and no stealing - you know the drill ;)

In terms of trigger warnings, I don't really consider this book mature, though I recognise that that's a bit of a grey area. There's no explicit sex, so it's not mature in terms of smut. There's some violence, so there's that. If you have any questions about any possible triggers, feel free to reach out and then I'll tell you if there are any and if so, where :)

For those who like numbers, or those who just like to know what they're getting themselves into: Destined for Greatness has 109K words and 51 chapters. 

I always write and edit my books in advance, so I foresee no problems in keeping to my update schedule (though I've probably jinxed it now). I usually update Mo-Wed-Fri, with sporadic extra updates when I feel like it, or when people ask nicely. 

Happy reading! 

Destined for Greatness ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang