Chapter 19

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"Let me go, you half-blood mutt!" Carry said, struggling against Parker's hold. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her from behind, trying to keep her arms pinned to her sides, but she was just as happy kicking her legs, hitting him hard in the shins.

He grumbled something that – thank the Goddess – Carry couldn't hear, for it wasn't something that should be overheard by children's ears. He dragged her along with him, glaring at Corbin, who had gotten the better end of the bargain. He had a hand placed firmly on Julie's arm, but he might as well not have bothered. She walked alongside him without saying a word, without attempting to flee, without doing much of anything but glower at Corbin.

They were both cuffed with silvered shackles so they wouldn't shift or get very far if they tried to run. Carry had pulled at the fetters until her wrists bled, but Julie hadn't even attempted it.

"You bloody son of a rogue!" Carry said, stepping hard on his foot.

Parker bit back a growl. His wolf stirred inside him. If the girl wanted a fight, then a fight she would have. Parker pushed the animal to the back of his mind. They weren't going to fight some teenager, no matter how annoying she was.

"Do you ever shut up?" he said. "Or do you keep talking even in your sleep?"

"Where are you taking us?" Julie asked, her voice perfectly tranquil. Parker had teleported them to the woods east of Andior. Since Ryleigh had run away, Parker had become a bit of a personal assistant to the alpha – or perhaps he had been as much the past fourteen years. In any case, Corbin had shown Parker where all their properties were – and there were surprisingly many. The spot Parker had chosen this time was a small shack that would be useless to their group as a whole, since it was far too small, but that would serve nicely as a temporary hostage holding location.

"No wonder your alpha has taken a liking to you," Corbin said, his gaze gliding over Julie as though he was sizing up a prey. "You're beautiful as well as level-headed. You wouldn't make a bad luna, I imagine."

Her glare intensified, but she said nothing. Parker admired her for it. It took a strong woman to enter into a staring contest with Corbin.

"Everyone would make a better luna than you make an alpha," Carry said, attempting to spit in Corbin's direction, but the effort lacked conviction, and the dollop of saliva thudded to the forest floor without even coming close.

"Keep that little rogue under control, would you?" Corbin said, shooting him a look as though somehow Parker was responsible for Carry's behaviour.

"She's a little rat, Alpha. Not much I can do about it."

"Who are you calling a rat, you mutt!" She thrust herself backwards, crashing into him. It was a good thing he was two heads taller than her and much stronger, or else he might have staggered back.

"That's it." He stopped, spun Carry around and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. She threw her legs around but he clamped an arm around her knees and kept her still. She pounded her bound fists against his back, but it didn't hurt him.

"Carry, for Goddess' sake, you are not getting anywhere with this," Julie said.

Carry stopped hitting Parker only long enough to glare at Julie. "At least I'm not strutting along like I'm attending a tea party!"

"What do you want me to do? Punch the alpha? He's a mind-controller, Carry. It's a fool's errand."

"Smart too," Corbin said. "You had better watch out or I might make you my luna instead." His hand moved up higher, resting on the back of her neck, fingers brushing over her shoulder. She jerked away.

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