Chapter 24

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Depending on how one looked at it, Crimson Claw was a small pack. That was: compared to the Shadow Walkers, they were huge, but compared to packs like the Royal Wolves or Midnight Moon, they were tiny and insignificant. But whatever they lacked in number, they made up for in vicious determination.

Back in the day – way back, when the Shadow Walkers were still worth mentioning – they'd had a reasonably good relationship with Crimson Claw. They were both on the dark side of the morally grey area when it came to the law, and they both had an inherent distrust and dislike of the ruling classes. They also both happened to have a reputation of being wild, uncontrollable and downright crazy.

Crimson Claw counted maybe a thousand wolves, which made them bigger than the Shadow Walkers ever were. Their alpha, Kade, was a battle-hardened man with little compassion and even less patience. Ryleigh didn't know him personally, but her father had filled her in on what a difficult man he used to be.

As expected, the moment Parker teleported them into the territory they were met with hostile forces. They were surrounded within seconds. Like most packs, the centre of the pack was located on a large clearing, with a pack house and a hall and some other at first glance unidentifiable buildings.

"Identify yourselves!" one of the soldiers surrounding them said. Ryleigh glanced around the circle. There were about twenty men near, and they looked like they felt pretty confident about those odds. Apart from Parker, Ryleigh and Corbin hadn't brought any back-up.

"I am Alpha Corbin, from the Shadow Walker pack," Corbin said. "This is my daughter, Ryleigh, and my teleporter, Parker. We have come to speak with Alpha Kade, if he be willing to receive us."

The men shot each other glances as they linked and discussed their options.

"There are warrants out for your arrests," one of the soldiers said. "Pretty big bounties, too."

"No one is arresting anyone," Corbin said. "If you treat us well, we won't have any reason to hurt any of you, but do not let the numbers fool you. We can take you down in three seconds."

He was being generous. They could take them down in one second or less.

The front door of the pack house opened and a middle-aged man stepped outside, followed by some others. The man at the head of the group was definitely the leader. He emanated authority.

"Alpha Corbin, as I live and breathe," he said, shouting across the clearing. "Move, idiots. Move!" The circle broke, soldiers shuffling to the side to let Kade through. He was a typical alpha, as far as Ryleigh could judge. He was tall and muscled, and had hard, calculating eyes.

Kade halted in front of them, spreading both arms and gesturing towards Corbin. "And all these years, I thought you were all wiped clean off the slate."

"It takes more to kill us than a few Royal Mutts," Corbin said.

"Clearly. Here's the thing. I'll be direct with you, because I respect you. I don't know what you're doing here, but I'm going to need you to turn around and leave the way you came. I know our packs used to get along, but a lot of time has passed and we're not on great terms with Alder ourselves, as I'm sure you're aware. We're still recovering from our last rebellion, and we don't need to get dragged into your foolish war."

Corbin's features didn't change, apart from a slight tugging at one corner of his mouth. Conflict amused him.

"I recall you used to be braver, Kade," he said. "You haven't even heard me out. Are you that afraid of Alder?" He ever so slightly increased his volume at the last part, so that every pack member looking at them could hear the challenge in his voice.

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