Chapter 38

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"Royal Wolf soldiers!" Lucia shouted through the pack-link. "I repeat: Royal Wolf soldiers. They're everywhere."

Ryleigh shot upright, her back screaming at having been bent like a crescent moon all night.

"How many?" Corbin linked back, his voice calm, though Ryleigh knew he probably wasn't.

She had slept curled up on one of the sofa's in the living room. Pack members were gathering there fast, talking excitedly through one another, so that no one was rightly audible.

"Dozens, and more every second," Emmet, who was also running patrol, answered. "They're being teleported here. They're nearly at the house. We don't stand a chance. Evacuate."

"Parker, transport everyone to location 26," Corbin said. "Everybody, go to the archive room and grab all the files we still need. Parker will teleport you to safety from there. Hurry."

Ryleigh looked at Parker. His outward appearance was one of utmost calm, but there was panic swirling around in his gaze. Everyone started running towards the room where they kept their files, and Ryleigh followed. Stacks of files were quickly distributed, while Parker got ready to take everyone away. He grabbed hold onto the first people he came across and zapped them away, reappearing not two seconds later. His gaze met Ryleigh, who shook her head.

"The others first. Go!"

She heard front door burst open. This was bad.

"Don't be a hero," she linked everyone. "Survival is our priority." She left the room and looked around her. Corbin was in the entrance hall, mind-controlling the soldiers who had dared enter the house. She counted quickly. Everybody was there, apart from the people Parker had already moved and Lucia and Emmet, who'd been walking patrol. And Paige. Where was Paige?

"Has anyone seen Paige?"

It was quiet a moment. Nobody knew where she was, and realisation slowly dawned on Ryleigh. Paige? Paige had been the one to give them up? Her heart skipped a beat, but she made sure not to let her surprise show on the outside.

"Father, can you take them?" she linked him, privately so that the others wouldn't know if he answered in the negative.

"For now. They keep teleporting more people, though. There's already hundreds of people here, and they're surrounding the building. Won't be long before I can't control everyone."

Ryleigh nodded and moved to the hallway just as Parker teleported another bunch.

"Parker almost has everyone out. We'll get away," she said, shooting a glance at the passed out soldiers stacked up in the doorway. "Nice job."

"Thank you. Paige is gone, isn't she?" Corbin didn't look at her, kept his gaze pinned at the doorway, and his focus on the minds surrounding him. He wasn't even using his hands yet. He really had amazing control over his gift.

"Yes. Do you really think she sold us out?"

"Me. She sold me out." His hand trembled slightly then. Maybe there were too many minds to control now, like he had predicted, or maybe it was the weight of her betrayal that shook him.

"Did you know she was going to do this?"

"I had a suspicion, but I didn't think—" He broke off, shook his head. "Serves me right for trusting her."

Ryleigh opened her mouth to respond, even though she had no clue what to say, but Parker appeared beside them before she could.

"Everybody else is gone. I picked up Lucia and Emmett too. It's your turn. Alpha?"

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